Mastering Project Management: Skills and Closure Essentials

Managing various issues is natural for most people, there are several aspects of our lives that we are in full control of. In other words, learning the skills necessary for project management is possible in most scenarios. I was introduced to the concept of project management as I was assigned the task of completing an academic course. Although the task in question did not require any major efforts in terms of building a team spirit and learning to work in a team, it still provided a plethora of information on how to become a project manager and how to attain the required skills.

The course mentioned earlier can be considered a rather solid project, as it embraced a variety of topics and served as a decent platform for developing management skills, as well as training them successfully. The course in question was completed in the allotted time, but the existing resources to efficient use, and was closed accordingly. The participants, therefore, managed to not only learn new information but also remember it to use it in the future (Heagney, 2014).

As far as the essential elements of the project closure are concerned, the documentalization part was the most challenging task in finishing the specified project. Since some of the project members defaulted on their records of the key stages of the project completion, some of the elements containing bits of essential information on the key transactions had been omitted before the completion of the project. The process of tracking down the key data for further analysis and the future prognoses, therefore, could be deemed as complicated (Keizner, 2014).

Besides, the reassignment of human resources can be viewed as a very difficult stage of project completion. Seeing that the very process of assigning people with roles and responsibilities is complicated enough due to the need to establish a rigid set of quality standards and values, any rapid changes to the team hierarchy and the reassignment of these roles and responsibilities is fraught with major consequences, such as internal conflicts and drops in performance rates (Laufer, 2012).

Furthermore, the issue of project analysis deserves to be brought up. As it has been stressed above, identifying the project outcomes is, perhaps, the most challenging task. Therefore, creating the premises for the final closure stage presupposes that no aspects of the project in question should be left loose or unresolved.

Last, but not least, the process known as the rearrangement of the team structure must occur. As it has been stressed above, the relocation of human resources is crucial to the outcomes of a project; however, providing the specified resources with very basic and clear instructions on what their further objectives are is also a crucial step towards making the project a success.

Goods transfer can be deemed as another crucial part of the project closure. In contrast to the above-mentioned stages, the specified one can be considered very basic and does not require any significant efforts apart from locating the fastest, the safest, and the most efficient modes of transportation for the products. Following these stages, one will be capable of completing any project within a comparatively short amount of time. Moreover, compliance with the principles heralded in the rules mentioned above will help increase customer satisfaction rates.

Reference List

Heagney, J. (2014). Fundamentals of project management. Netherlands: AVACOM.

Keizner, H. R. (2014). Project management – best practices: Achieving global excellence. New York City, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the leadership role in project management: Practices that deliver remarkable results. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: FT Press.

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