Project Management Methodology

This paper will be responding to a quote by Harold Kerzner. According to the man, “The importance of a good methodology cannot be understated” (Kerzner, 2018), which ties in smoothly with the topic of the present discussion – project management methodologies. Project management remains among the central needs of any organization. Completing projects allows companies to achieve their production goals and satisfy shareholders and customers. Therefore, the process of project management must be developed accordingly.

A project management methodology, then, helps organizations to organize work according to a particular structure or a set of standards. Instead of developing a new plan for each new project, it becomes possible to apply the existing structure to the project management process. This approach is said to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project management. As discussed in this week’s materials, there are many potential ways to manage a project, and their frameworks can be adapted according to a company’s needs.

Most commonly, organizations distinguish between the traditional and the agile style of project management methodology. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the project length, its response to change, team size, and many other factors (Montserrat, 2015). In addition, applying a methodology is said to bring other potential benefits to an organization. The particular advantages are reliant on both the specific organization and its approaches.

Management methodology is customizable, bringing the flexibility necessary to fulfill different project objectives, meet deadlines and change approaches on-the-fly. Furthermore, the existence of a methodology makes it easier to engage employees, requiring less learning (Montserrat, 2015). Overall, project management methodology is an important part of corporate organization, remaining crucial to implementing new solutions in the workplace.


Kerzner, H. (2018). Project Management Methodologies. In Project Management Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence (4th ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Montserrat, G. (2015). Why use a project management methodology? Nae.

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