Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability


The milestones recorded in this country have supported the health needs and economic welfare of many Americans. However, the problems of poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism affect a significant percentage of this country’s population. The introduction of a universal basic income for every citizen will help minimize these challenges, guarantee minimum revenue or income, provide financial strength, and improve people’s life outcomes. This paper presents meaningful arguments to explain why the U.S. government should offer a universal basic income to every citizen.

Universal Basic Income for All Citizens

The concept of universal basic income is informed by the liberties and rights outlined in the American Constitution. This means that the government can guarantee or provide a specific amount of money to every person on a monthly or annual basis. Financial security is appropriate since it provides numerous opportunities to different individuals (Amadeo). There are significant convincing reasons that explain why there is a need for the U.S. government to provide a universal basic income to its citizens.

Firstly, this decision is capable of empowering more people and making it easier for them to overcome most of the challenges they face in life, such as poverty, homelessness, inequality, and discrimination. This means that they will be in a position to afford their basic needs and lead better lives. Such an approach will minimize some of the predicaments making it impossible for them to achieve their potential.

Secondly, people who are entitled to this income will not engage in criminal acts. They will use such funds to secure their children’s education and purchase drugs and clothes. The current social problems associated with poverty will reduce significantly, thereby making it possible for more Americans to emerge successful. Thirdly, this strategy is capable of supporting economic growth. Many people are currently unable to pursue various economic activities that have the potential to transform their lives. This happens to be the case since they lack adequate resources to start small business enterprises (Amadeo). This problem can compel them to engage in criminal acts or become addicts. This means that the availability of a minimum or basic income will empower them to get rid of these malpractices.

Fourthly, the United States is a country with a discouraging and questionable history. This is true since many families have experienced numerous challenges in the past, such as oppression and a lack of opportunities. Those from minority groups have been affected the most. This new initiative will make it easier for citizens who have gone through such experiences to lead high-quality lives and address some of the issues affecting them.

Finally, the government has a responsibility to meet the needs of its people and ensure that they encounter minimum or no challenges. This incentive is capable of addressing some of the predicaments many young and elderly citizens face in this country, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), homelessness, unemployment, and disillusionment (Lacey 94). Those who get the proposed minimum income will be able to make appropriate decisions, wait until they get better career opportunities, and take good care of their children.


The success of any great nation depends on the experiences and life outcomes of its citizens. The challenges many Americans face today should guide the government to implement stringent measures and offer a universal basic income to every individual. This move will empower people and make it easier for them to achieve their aims.

Works Cited

Amadeo, Kimberly. “Universal Basic Income, Its Pros and Cons with Examples.” The Balance, 2019. Web.

Lacey, Anita. “Universal Basic Income as Development Solution?” Global Social Policy, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 93-97.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 29). Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability. https://studycorgi.com/providing-american-citizens-with-basic-income/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability'. 29 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability." June 29, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/providing-american-citizens-with-basic-income/.


StudyCorgi. "Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability." June 29, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/providing-american-citizens-with-basic-income/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability." June 29, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/providing-american-citizens-with-basic-income/.

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