Gentrification, Public Service, and Privatization

Gentrification Policy Issues

Gentrification is a process which has started 60 years ago, however, its real extent and influence it obtains only nowadays. The main idea of this process is to rebuild or renew some districts of a city which were at a low ebb. Rebuilding and reconstructing old buildings would lead to the growth of interest in these areas. This process has its advantages and disadvantages. Its positive influence can be seen in “increases in the non-Hispanic white population and declines in the poverty rate” (Maciag para. 3). However, there are also some obvious drawbacks in this process, connected with the interference in the traditional life of a district. That is why some balance should be found. It is possible to take into account the point of view of people, who live in these districts. Moreover, special governmental support should be given to poor people, who are going to live in these areas.

The Role of Public Service in Public Administration

Public administration is an institution whose main aim is the implementation of government policy. It is a very important aspect of the activity of any government as its effective functioning will not be possible without public administration and that is why it is omnipresent in our everyday life (Knill and Tosun 1). There are several components of this institution, which are very important. Public Service is one of the main aspects of public administration. It guarantees the connection between the government and people and supplies them with all the services they need. It can be education, work, health care and a lot of other important issues. People can judge the efficiency of the government by the efficiency of the work of this service That is why public service is very important as it establishes some order and promotes existing government. Its effective functioning is the basis of a healthy and powerful state.

Governmental Influence on the Development of Public Administration

Among the three existing branches of government, which, of course, all influence the development of public administration, there is one which should be especially outlined and stressed. It is the executive branch of government. Headed by the president, its main aim is to carry out laws and suggest new ones. All these laws should be created taking into account the needs and demands of people. Moreover, the President, elected by his nation, is a guarantor of fulfilling all needs of people. That is why the executive branch of power has the greatest influence on the development of public administration. Decisions of all institutions, which represent this branch, influence greatly the process of implementing the policy of a government.

Privatization and Its Need for More Public Management

Privatization is the process of changing the owner of some property. It is usually transferred from the public sector into the private. This shift is often accompanied by the change in the structure of an object and its relations with society and the world. That is why sometimes this process can be very complicated and demand a lot of effort. Many machinations are also connected with it, as privatization can be rather beneficial. That is why, there is no use denying the fact, that more public management is required. A great number of the officials, which take part in this process, will guarantee that it will remain clear up to its end and if the case is especially complicated, the presence of professionals and their control can assure good history of this process.

Works Cited

Knill, Cristoph and Jale Tosun. Public Policy: A New Introduction. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. Web.

Maciag, Mike. “Gentrification in America Report”. Governing. 2015. Web.

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