One of the most common examples of public health promotion in daily life is the use of various types of educational signage, such as posters and labels. These are usually put in public places, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, public transport, hospital waiting rooms, and others, and meant to educate the population on the importance of certain health measures. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, this type of public health promotion activities has become extremely widespread in all countries around the globe. The topics that these posters usually address include wearing masks, using tissues and sanitizers, and maintaining appropriate social distancing. In addition, some may have recommendations to stay home and information on the ways to get tested and vaccinated. Other types of posters include materials on different symptoms associated with the disease and steps to take when the symptoms are observed.

Posters not related to the COVID-19 pandemic can also address a wide variety of public health issues. They may present information on some immediate measures of first aid, signs of allergies, and ways to seek medical help in cases of adverse health conditions. It can be stated that this example meets the definition and the criteria of public health. The latter can be defined as “the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention” (University of Pittsburg, n.d., par. 1). Even though the definition of public health may vary for different individuals and health settings, it can be argued that the description presented above incorporates all the essential criteria. One of those criteria is ‘improving the health of communities through education’ (University of Pittsburg, n.d., par. 1). Therefore, health promotion posters represent an obvious example of public health.
While some may think that posters and other types of signage do not often have the desired effect on the public, it can be suggested that they can engage the observers more than other materials. This is particularly true when a comparison is made with various text materials and sources. Due to the fact that posters usually use colorful images, signs, layouts, and other graphics, they can easily attract the viewers’ attention and make them interested in the topic being presented. However, creating and using posters can be problematic as well; for example, in cases when visual representations of certain phenomena are inappropriate for the use in certain settings.
All mentioned above allows concluding that two of the 10 essential public health services are represented by the given example. First, posters are primarily used to educate the public on the disease signs and the measures to take for disease prevention. As a result, they provide individuals with the means necessary to be responsible for and have an impact on their own health and well-being. Therefore, they main essential health service addressed by the use of health promotion posters and signage is Inform, Educate, and Empower. Second, posters can provide people with information that they might otherwise bot be accessible. For example, if a person does not pay sufficient attention to their symptoms, they may not notice their health deteriorating. Seeing reminders and posters on a regular basis will keep them alert and aware of their condition. Therefore, another essential public health service represented by this example is Link to Care and Provide Services not available.
Tong-Hyung, K., & Press, A. (2022). S. Korea expands booster shots as COVID-19 cases creep up. Web.
University of Pittsburg. (n.d.). Definition of public health | Graduate School of Public Health. Web.