Public Interest/Non Profit Advertisement


Advertisements by individuals/corporations about their products are to generate more income for the business through persuasive ways. In this essay, we shall look at advertisements that target benefiting the consumers rather than the advertising body.

Analysis of different advertisements

Advertisement one

This is an advert used to encourage the public that doesn’t matter for you to join college, that is, both the juniors and seniors have equal opportunity in colleges. Most people may tend to exclude themselves from pursuing their college education. This advertisement acts as a call to those people who might have left their studies due to age. The age should not be a limit for joining a college (Zimmerman 37).

The advertisement shows an old lady with a smiling face. This indicates that with education, life is enjoyable. This kind of advertisement ensures that those who have or are in the process of different studies because of age factors will find the courage to continue with the same. It will also encourage educational competition among the juniors and seniors in search of additional knowledge. This will be noticed through the high enrolment of mostly the senior group in colleges (Adverlicious).

Advertisement two

The advertisement seeks to educate the young about how detrimental the use of drugs is and the parents on how to initiate a talk with their children about drug abuse without being embarrassed. The advertisement also introduces other activities like computer jobs that can make children look like adults. This will minimize the chances of children being involved in drug-taking. It also makes us believe that pleasure is not only found in drugs but in all other activities that are less harmful to our bodies (Sweeney & MacLellan 54).

The advertisement reminds the parents of the suitable ways in which they can communicate the message concerning drug-taking to their kids. It means that parents have a significant role to play in mentoring the behaviors of their children. Moreover, for a healthy living and society we have to shun drug use (Adverlicious).

Advertisement three

The advertisement talks about the use of energy-saving ways so as to conserve the environment. This is of great importance in reaching out to people who are within reach with adequate abilities in caring for the environment. The message is directed to the young generation compelling them of their obligation to decide on methods to use in environmental conservation. This is shown by the photo of two children standing with a message concerning the global warming directed to them (Lammenett 42).

It makes it a habit/duty for every citizen to ensure he/she does what is good for the environment right from the tender age. It also implies that environmental conservation is a choice that we have to make and undertake (Lehmann 71). Many people will find it a challenge because if a young child is in a position to heed a call to saving energy, it will be shameful for an adult to be the one doing environmental degradation. Therefore we have an obligation as the existing generation to conserve the environment and teach the coming generations the essence of the preserved environment. This will go a deeper length in ensuring that the effects of global warming are minimized greatly and a broad sense of understanding our role in agitating it (Adverlicious).

Works cited

Adverlicious. The Partnership For A Drug-Free America “Job In Computing” 728×90. 2009. Web.

Adverlicious.. “And To My Children” 300×250. 2007. Web.

Adverlicious. Kaplan University “College Prerequisite” 300×250. 2010.

Lammenett, Erwin. TYPO3 online-marketing-guide: Affiliate- und e-mail-marketing, Keyword-advertising, Suchmaschinen-optimierung mit typo3. London: Gabler Verlag, 2007.

Lehmann, Matthias. Advertisement on Web 2.0 Websites as Exemplified by Social Networks. New York: GRIN Verlag, 2010.

Sweeney, Susan & MacLellan Andy. 3G Marketing on the Internet, Seventh Edition: Third Generation Internet Marketing Strategies for Online Success. 7th ed. New Jersey: Maximum Press, 2006.

Zimmerman, Jan. Web Marketing for Dummies. 2nd ed. New York: For Dummies, 2008.

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