Publicity Plan’s Goals and Objectives

Our media relations plan has several main goals related to the company’s reputation, task, and relationship. The first goal is to introduce the Boston Wounded Vet Group and the “They Fought We Ride” annual campaign to the residents of Boston and other states. The second goal is to promote the campaign’s mission and demonstrate how it differs from similar campaigns. The third goal is to raise the money needed for donations to “the veterans injured in military service and host events” through the Annual Motorcycle Ride in May (They Fought We Ride, n.d.). The task is to raise more money than a usual annual ride event manages to gather. One more goal is to invite a celebrity, like Rob O’Neill, a member of Seal Team 6 that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011. Such a celebrity could raise public awareness about the veterans and the importance of such corporations and events for the wounded service members.

Our campaign will need to meet the following objectives to achieve the goals mentioned above:

  1. Print booklets that will inform the public about the Boston Wounded Vet Group and their annual Motorcycle Ride campaign.
  2. Distribute these booklets among the citizens of Boston, organizations, and the government, so they increase their knowledge about wounded veterans and their role in society and want to visit the event to know more about them.
  3. Organize meetings twice a month to promote the campaign’s mission and vision. Invite Boston citizens, business owners, and government members to inform them about the importance of this event.
  4. Sell at least 80 percent of tickets to the Motorcycle Ride event by the first of March and 100 percent of tickets by the first of May 2022 to ensure that the event is valuable and that the organization will continue its mission in the future.
  5. Find a celebrity who was a member of a warfare group and participated in dangerous military operations to attract journalists and huge corporations, raise public awareness about the veterans, and gather the money needed for their financial support.
  6. Begin a social media campaign, advertising the event via social networking websites. It will help attract more people outside of Boston and raise public awareness about the event.

To meet these objectives, the following tactics and evaluation methods will be used:

  1. Contact a printing house that is ready to print booklets for free. If we manage to print 10,000 booklets, the objective will be achieved.
  2. Invite 20 volunteers who will distribute these booklets. The objective will be achieved if all leaflets are handed, and at least 50 percent of people confirm that they will visit the event.
  3. Find an open space to organize meetings twice a month. Find volunteers who will hold these meetings. The volunteers will be searched among students and volunteer organizations in Boston. The objective will be achieved if all meetings are held according to the plan, and at least 100 persons visit every meeting.
  4. Create a webpage that will be responsible for selling tickets. Find a volunteer who will control selling. If all tickets are sold by the first of May, the objective will be met.
  5. Contact several warfare groups to find a celebrity for the event. If we manage to find such a person who confirms participation, the objective will be met.
  6. Participate in a social media campaign, creating a profile for the event and reposting all information about it on personal web pages. If the event gathers 10,000 Facebook or Instagram likes, the objective will be met.


They Fought We Ride. (n.d.).

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