Social Media and Latest Trends in Marketing

In the last decade, social media have been actively used by businesses as instruments to promote their products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the latest trends in social media marketing and opportunities provided by the most commonly used social media platforms. In the article “3 social media trends impacting marketing in 2022,” Patterson (2022) discusses the most topical and influential trends in social media in relation to the field of marketing. This article is essential to marketing and social media since it could be applied by specialists who want to improve the quality of their marketing projects in social media.

One of the trends identified by Patterson (2022) is the personalization of marketing content. This means that it is becoming popular to show users adverts that match their interests and personal experience. As it is stated in the article, personalization could do marketing up to 20 percent more efficient and increase revenue up to 30 percent (Patterson, 2022). Another trend is the application of virtual and augmented reality technologies (Patterson, 2022).

This trend means that potential consumers are granted a chance to test the advertised products virtually. For example, some make-up brands offer customers an opportunity to try lipstick or blush colors online before making an order. The third trend discussed by Patterson (2022) in cooperation with influencers. In other words, it is practical to ask famous bloggers and celebrities to recommend a product to the audience on YouTube, Tik Tok videos, or posts on Instagram.

To sum up, the analyzed article is essential for people interested in marketing and social media since it explains the most fundamental trends of the past years. It is also fair to notice that these trends are familiar to all ordinary people who use social media daily. Nonetheless, the vast popularity of these trends does not diminish their effectiveness. Furthermore, applying these three trends is a way for a company to create a positive image on social media and attract new clients.


Patterson, C. (2022). 3 social media trends impacting marketing in 2022. MarTech. Web.

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