Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital

The Quality and Risk Coordinator in a hospital is responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing a quality and risk management system under the direction of the Unit’s Director. The coordinator must work with the hospital administration, other hospital departments, healthcare providers and nurses to conduct risk analysis and quality assurance. The main task of the coordinator is to ensure the safety and quality of medical care, reduce the risks of possible errors, and increase patient satisfaction. They must develop and implement specific procedures and policies and apply methods to enhance the quality and decrease risk processes in the hospital. Furthermore, the coordinator is responsible for compliance with standards and norms in the healthcare industry.


  • Developing and implementing an effective quality and risk management policy;
  • Assessing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the current quality and risk management system;
  • Developing and implementing required and change processes procedures related to quality and risk management;
  • Ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, rules, norms, and regulations;
  • Training hospital staff, including medical and administrative personnel, regarding quality and risk management;
  • Collecting, assessing, and analyzing information on the quality of medical care and identifying problems related to risk management in a healthcare facility;
  • Organizing and conducting quality audits of medical care in a healthcare facility;
  • Developing and implementing efficient measures to improve the quality of medical care and reduce potential risks.

Job Specifications: Qualifications and Experience

  • For the position of the Quality and Risk Coordinator in a hospital, the following qualifications are required:
  • Bachelor’s degree/Master’s degree in healthcare/medicine or healthcare management and administration;
  • The license/certificate required for practicing in a specific state;
  • Experience in healthcare, healthcare administration, and/or quality risk management of 2-5 years;
  • Experience in developing and implementing quality, conflict management, and risk management solutions and systems.


  • Knowledge of the regulatory framework adopted in the field of quality and risk management in the healthcare industry;
  • Knowledge of risk management techniques and procedures applied in healthcare settings;
  • Knowledge of principles and methods of data assessment analysis and statistical analysis, as well as the knowledge of working with different types of reports.

Skills and Abilities

  • Skills in conducting structured audits and inspections to assess and improve quality and risk management processes;
  • The presence of the analytical mindset to effectively and quickly assess complex situations and develop solutions;
  • The ability to identify and analyze potential risks;
  • Strategic thinking skills in order to develop healthcare-related and long-term quality and risk management plans;
  • Deep understanding of medical practice and processes of health care delivery;
  • The ability to persuade and negotiate in order to establish and maintain partnerships with other hospital departments and external organizations;
  • Coordination skills;
  • Planning and organizing skills;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • The ability to work in a team;
  • The ability to train and develop hospital staff;
  • Well-developed critical thinking and decision-making skills.


The work of the Quality and Risk Coordinator in a hospital is associated with ensuring patient safety and quality of medical care and decreasing potential risks. This position requires broad knowledge and skills in such fields as healthcare, administration, law, and risk and quality management, as well as experience in the spheres of medicine and risk management. Additionally, the Quality and Risk Coordinator should possess well-developed analytical skills, strategic thinking, critical thinking, planning and coordination skills in order to work effectively in a team.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 23). Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-risk-coordinator-position-at-hospital/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital." February 23, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-risk-coordinator-position-at-hospital/.


StudyCorgi. "Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital." February 23, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-risk-coordinator-position-at-hospital/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital." February 23, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-risk-coordinator-position-at-hospital/.

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