The market of spa services, as a form of development of the beauty and health industry, has emerged in the world in a concise period. Due to the national peculiarity, to arrange everything in its way, our SPA turned out to be different from the “pure blood” counterparts – and this is its charm and attractiveness. The current SPA is an explosive mixture of traditional methods of natural therapy of the peoples of the world and modern technologies mixed with modern traditions and high qualifications of the specialists. The fact that the SPA services market was shaped by purely market methods suggests its relevance and subsequent sustainable development.
Main body
One of the currently rapidly developing segments of the business economy in the beauty industry worldwide is the spa industry. Today, about 20% of the funds received in the form of taxes of all levels are coming from spa services (Kamata & Misui, 2015). As priorities in a healthy lifestyle society increase and people’s responsible attitude to their health improve, the demand for a variety of sanatorium and resort services multiplies many times over. The majority of professionals working in the hospitality industry note a new mandatory component in the portfolio of needs of tourists: these are wellness and spa treatments during the trip (Smith & Puczko, 2018). New concepts are being actively introduced into modern world terminologies, such as spa resorts and spa hotels, which are considered by consumers as a lightweight alternative to a current spa treatment.
The use-effectiveness of the quality SPA management is demonstrated in the personnel development and logistics infrastructure. The complaint procedures are useful because they allow acquiring direct feedback from clients. The client satisfaction survey is an excellent tool to gather relevant data that can be used for further service modifications and improvements.
Client Satisfaction Survey
- What did you enjoy the most during the spa procedures?
- What improvements could be made?
- Did you experience any discomfort or unpleasant feelings during the process?
- Please share your additional recommendations.
- From 1-5, how would you rate the overall experience?

According to the Client Satisfaction Survey, the majority of people gave the rating of 4 out of 5, and most of the clients recommended furniture and interior upgrade. These changes can be done as the spa salon will grow because they only rely on finances. It also means that personnel serves the clients at a high-quality level.
Quality in SPA management is an essential element of the production and social infrastructure and is interconnected with other infrastructure sectors. It involves energy, communications, logistics, social security, which, with any economic mechanism, are subject to constant control by the state. It is important to delineate the boundaries of government intervention. One of the iconic trends during recent years, especially manifested in the special conditions of the economic crisis, was the strengthening of the state’s regulatory role in shaping policies. These changes also included implementing the commercial processes of the development of the quality control complex (Shiu, 2018). At the same time, unlike in the recent past, the government does not intervene directly in the business but participates actively in creating conditions that create a favorable institutional, legal, administrative environment.
The problem of ensuring product quality is universal in the modern world. Much in the development of any industry depends on how successfully it is solved. However, quality indicators, as well as problems associated with the production of quality products, are specific to each industry, including the tourism industry. Currently, the concept of quality as a category is standardized and defined by standards (Smith & Puczko, 2018). A standard is a normative document developed based on an agreement of most interested parties and adopted by a recognized body or approved by an enterprise. It establishes rules for the universal and repeated use, general principles, characteristics, requirements, and methods relating to particular objects of standardization, and which aims to achieve an optimal degree of ordering in a specific area.
Service efficiency is defined as the degree of success in achieving the goal with the most significant cost savings. It means that the extent to which the service has contributed to the timely and objective solution for the problems facing clients with the least resource expenditure of various kinds. Often, all these elements are combined into a comprehensive assessment, which, in addition, involves evaluating the entire organization and its programs, technical components, employees, and assessing work with specific customers (Kamata & Misui, 2015). In the narrow sense of efficiency means the achievement of the most consistent goals and the results obtained at the lowest cost.
The use of economic evidence of the effectiveness of social work or social services is essential, but not the only method of evaluation. The SMART concept can be applied by improving both service and efficiency at an organizational level. The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is described below, which includes the concept of efficiency in a broad sense since it is this understanding that is common both in official documents and in the current practice. The specific criteria for the effectiveness of social services are involved. On the one hand, they represent a measurable system of standards and action regulatory indicators reflecting the efficiency of the social service process, on the other hand, a system of indicators reflecting quantitative and qualitative indicators of the socio-economic, psychological, and other conditions of individuals, the family as a whole, and social group (Shiu, 2018). To use the categories of realistic quality, efficiency, and effectiveness in practice, we introduce for each of them a set of specific timescale parameters expressing key characteristics suitable for building measurement tools such as questionnaires, statistical indicators, and composite indices.
The institution’s quality system is the totality of its organizational structure, rules, methods of ensuring the quality of services, the processes of providing services, the institution’s resources, ensuring the implementation of administrative management of the quality of services as the basis for creating conditions for quality work and evaluating its process and results (Shiu, 2018). Managing the quality of social services is a logical structural approach that takes into account the three most important determining criteria: relevance, feasibility, and sustainability.
Appropriateness means that actions correspond to the needs of clients and the principles of rendering services, the content of activities corresponds to the priorities of social policy and the requirements for the profession. Therefore, customers are involved in the decision-making process regarding the maintenance program. A thorough analysis of the problems and goals is clearly defined in terms of benefits to the target group (Kamata & Misui, 2015). Feasibility means that the planned objectives are feasible in the conditions prevailing at the time of the program. It also includes the ability of employees and organizations to carry out the program, logical and measurable goals, risks, assumptions, and barriers. Thus, continuous monitoring focuses only on relevant program objectives. On the one hand, consumers of SPA services for whom the supply of these services in the market is at least not lower than the demand for them with minimum salon tariffs (Smith & Puczko, 2018). On the other hand, producers of wellness services, that is the creation of the most profitable working conditions for a carrier in a market that seeks to maximize profit from quality care and additional related services.
It is highly important to continuously develop, monitor, and improve the quality management of client care. The ultimate goal of regulatory measures for development, including through the quality SPA management, is to ensure sufficient and satisfactory quality control services in terms of quality. Therefore, any actions by regulatory bodies aimed at limiting the activities of SPA salons or prescribing them anything should be aimed at improving the functioning of the complex (Kamata & Misui, 2015). Thus, it can be stated that in the country’s wellness system, based on the development of relevant institutions and tools, a comprehensive public-private partnership mechanism is consistently formed. It represents an economically and organisationally structured system of relations between the state and business. The given system is aimed at solving actual problems of economic modernization and increasing the competitiveness of domestic SPA management.
In conclusion, in the face of economic change, a modern spa salon, like any other enterprise, faces many challenges. Sources of the increased complexity of management are a high degree of market uncertainty, increased competition, the lack of financial resources. In the short term, the success of the spa salon is determined primarily by the economic balance of various areas of current activity. Long-term survival and development depend on the ability of the salon to anticipate changes in the market in a timely manner and adapt its organizational structure accordingly. Therefore, strategic planning is critical in the quality-oriented management of SPA salons.
Kamata, H., & Misui, Y. (2015). Why do they choose a SPA destination? The case of Japanese tourists. Tourism Economics, 21(2), 283-305.
Shiu, J. Y. (2018). Individual rationality and differences in Taiwanese spa hotel choice. Tourism Economics, 24(1), 27-40.
Smith, J. & Puczko, L. (2018) Health hospitality tourism. London: Thompson Press.