Radio Frequency (RF) Communication Systems

The creation of a communication system that employs radio frequency signal transmission presupposes consideration of the available channels, equipment that can be used to establish the network, area, and the central purposes that drive its introduction. At the same time, it is critical to ensure that the transmitter can operate within the selected channel and exchange data signal with a receiver linked to the output transducer (Palmer, 2016). It also demands and working antenna and available channel with desired frequency. Only if all these elements function effectively within the established RF system, the information can be transmitted in its original form. Additionally, the propagation of electromagnetic ways through the atmosphere depends on multiple factors such as pressure, distance, temperature, and weather elements (Palmer, 2016). To function effectively, RF systems should be able to operate regardless of the given aspects or be supplied with the equipment that can empower the signal and ignore the negative effects associated with these barriers (Xu et al., 2016). For this reason, today, there are multiple attempts to enhance the propagation of radio waves through different channels to achieve a high quality of data transfer.

As for the real example of a real RF communication system, Bluetooth technology can be considered a widespread technology that employs this mechanism. It can be classified as a low-power wireless technology that uses RD signals to transmit and receive data and guarantee an effective exchange within the established distance (Chadha et al., 2013). There are also multiple unmanned elements combined with Bluetooth that are used in modern technologies to attain higher effectiveness levels and ensure that the desired information will be coded and transferred by using appropriate channels. The sufficient work of this sort of RF system is one of the basics of digitalization and enhanced data exchange.


Chadha, S., Singh, M., & Pardeshi, K. (2013). Bluetooth technology: Principle, applications and current status. IJCSC, 4(2), pp. 16-30. Web.

Palmer, R. (2016). An introduction to RF circuit design for communication systems. Roger C. Palmer.

Xu, H., Ding, Y., Wang, R., Shen, W., & Li, P. (2016). A novel Radio Frequency Identification three-dimensional indoor positioning system based on trilateral positioning algorithm. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 10(3), 158–168. doi:10.1177/1748301816649078

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