Boost Efficiency with Relational Databases for Modern Businesses


The modern world, full of information noise, is changing every day. A business that meets the demands of a new society must not only be able to adapt to change, but also to optimize existing processes to simplify the work significantly. The main idea of modern information technologies is the concept that all data should be organized into databases. The introduction of a relational database within our business will contribute to an adequate representation of the changing real world and fully meet the information needs of users.

Possession of extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology is not a prerequisite for understanding the principle of operation of relational databases. It is enough to imagine a telephone book, in every line of which there is information about a person.

Thus, each person corresponds to his or her telephone number and address. Imagining that the entire address book is filled with such data, you can understand what the principle of organization of relational databases is. According to Harrington (2016), a relational database (RDB) is any related information presented in the form of two-dimensional tables. Creating such a database for our company is associated with the ease of bureaucratic work with the red tape, as its implementation will simplify access to corporate information. Each authorized user will be able to access from their device.

Advantages of RDB

The power of relational databases goes far beyond the address book. In fact, they are limited only by the performance of database management systems, in other words, computers. The resources of our company will allow us to place all available information in RDB. However, this is not the only advantage that the company can get by implementing a database system.

Implementation of RDB involves creating an environment in which each user can at any time get the necessary corporate information because it is enough to have a computer at hand. The fundamental advantage of RDB is the ease of use and time-saving. Our company will not have to spend resources on creating physical data archives as all information will be either in the cloud or on hard drives (Harrington, 2016).

For the company, this brings significant process optimization and productivity gains. Privacy plays a substantial role in the storage of corporate information. Current relational database proposals include an encryption system and authorization code for when data needs to be hidden (Harrington, 2016). In addition, RDBs offer enhanced security: a physical archive can be destroyed in a fire, for example, while a backup database can be restored from anywhere.

Implementation of RDB System

It is wrong to refuse to use relational databases in today’s world as they have several advantages. Almost any company that uses computers simultaneously implements its RDBs to manage private information. Examples can be many: from Internet shops and city libraries to Google, FBI, and NASA (Harrington, 2016). The databases that a company uses may vary in structure, but the idea of convenient data storage remains the same.


Creating our relational database would be a definite advantage for our company. In this case, productivity would increase significantly, as all work processes would be more optimized. The introduction of RDB is closely linked to saving time, space, and resources. Whichever database the company chooses now, it would not be a mistake, as most of the offers on the market are updated continuously and have the ability to scale potentially.


Harrington, J. L. (2016). Relational database design and implementation. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Boost Efficiency with Relational Databases for Modern Businesses." June 29, 2021.

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