Recognizing the Challenges Young Adults Face


Every era faces unique challenges, and the ability of one generation to connect to another can sometimes be challenging. Additionally, recognizing the worries and fears of young people today is a battlefield many contend with. Guardians may wish to understand and assist their child, but knowing where to start can be challenging. Parents, organizations, and peers often interact with youngsters and have noted some of the significant difficulties they are currently facing. Talking about these issues will guide parents and elders toward matters to consider when raising children.


Due to the global nature of this problem, schooling and job security are of utmost importance. According to YMCA research, 44% of youth worry about the constraints of their education and exams (Barker et al., 2022). Additionally, competitive pressures are prevalent in many aspects of a young person’s life, including schooling. As more students are required to pursue higher schooling each year, educational performance is more significant than ever. In addition to demonstrating educational achievement, students must demonstrate that they are all-rounded persons who have engaged in various extracurriculars, such as taking on jobs, volunteering, or participating in internships.

Many young people have serious concerns about the future. As nations travel deeper into the economic downturn, people are voicing severe financial worries, and of course, many youths are apprehensive about the environment (Barker et al., 2022). The epidemic has exposed and aggravated social inequities. They are undoubtedly worried about each of these situations, but they may also seem ill-equipped to handle them in their existing, immature state. Anxiety and depression develop gradually with every hurdle they face daily (Barker et al., 2022). They may want to ask adults for advice on presenting themselves in such extraordinary situations, but acquiring valuable guidance would best happen in person rather than on social network platforms.


Institutions would significantly reduce these difficulties by conducting seminars with parents and guardians to give them a better awareness of the difficulties youths may encounter and to encourage them to engage in conversation with their youngsters. It would increase caregivers’ ability to assist and respond appropriately if institutions and agencies were prepared and willing to collaborate to support them and educators in identifying when youths may be at a potential to engage in risky behavior.


Barker, M. M., Beresford, B., & Fraser, L. K. (2022). Incidence of anxiety and depression in children and young people with life-limiting conditions. Pediatric Research. Web.

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