Religion in Southwest Asia, North Africa, and South Asia

Several aspects of the Arabic language, natural resources, climate, religion, and weather are common in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Moreover, these two areas are the birthplace of the world’s three significant religions. In addition, these regions are studied together due to their geographic and cultural similarities. Countries in Southwest Asia and North Africa are usually known as the Middle East. However, some authors refer to the Northern African countries as part of the Middle East but prefer to call them separately the Middle East and North Africa (Timothy 29). In this region, there is a scarcity of fertile soil and water. Still, the area has an abundance of oil, which has brought modernization and wealth and improved the quality of life in many countries. The population in this area is predominantly Muslim, and other religions make up less than ten percent of the people. Israel is the only exception, where the majority of its population identifies with Judaism.

The religions in Southwest Asia and North Africa have changed the world’s cultural landscape and led to conflicts and tension throughout the region (Timothy 31). The three predominant religions in this area, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, are similar since their ancestry can be traced through the tribal patriarch Abraham. However, Judaism is the oldest monotheist religion of these Abrahamic faiths. Judaism faith believes in God, who revealed himself to Moses, Abraham, and other Hebrew prophets. Judaism followers believe in living according to God’s mandates as described in the holy scriptures of the Torah. The history of Jews is associated with the Middle East, and the city of Jerusalem is widely seen as a sacred place because Solomon’s Temple once stood there. Christianity is also a religion found in North Africa and Southeast Asia. The Christian religion started in Israel during the times of the Roman empire.

In addition, the Christian faith is based on Jewish traditions and the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in the holy scriptures of the Bible, which comprise Jewish books, texts by apostles, and the gospel of the life of Christ. Islam is the largest religion in this zone. Islam originated in Saudi Arabia in the 7th century Current (Common) Era (C.E.). According to the Islam faith, God revealed himself to Prophet Muhammad and his word in the book of the Holy Quran. Islam follows the Five Pillars, including praying five times a day, recognizing the name of God, giving charitable donations, going to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

When religion is in its purest form, it offers many benefits to humanity that include teachings of goodwill, promoting good morals and ethics in society, and inner strength, which gives an individual the courage to do the right thing (Timothy 33). Sometimes, when multiple religions claim ownership of the same holy place, it sometimes leads to conflicts. There have been many times when there were wars because of religious beliefs. A case in point is Jerusalem and other areas of modern Israel, where all the three Abrahamic religions consider holy.

The personal and religious life of Muslims is usually intertwined with their day-to-day activities. Therefore, political and judicial systems in this part of the world usually reflect religious values. Some states in Southwest Asia and North Africa have declared sharia law which means that the court systems apply the Islamic religious law. However, Islamic groups use a harsh and strict interpretation of sharia. Southwest Asia and North Africa regions are the cradle of modern religions and ancient civilizations. However, the region has limited and unevenly distributed resources, which is the cause of persistent political conflict and religious tension (Timothy 31). Due to the valuable resources like oil and instability, there has been an emergence of terrorist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that have taken control of the territory.

The religious story of the South Asian nations starts with the river Indus and its tributaries. River Indus was the only early evidence of this complex urban culture (Timothy 27). South Asia hosts many great religious traditions in the world, including Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Buddhism was started by Buddha, also known as the enlightened one, before the current (common) era (BCE). On the other hand, Hinduism is an ancient religion that matured in the fourth-century current (common) era (C.E.). The significant characteristics of modern Hinduism are worshipping divine images and building temples for these images.

Religion has enhanced the mental strength of its believers in South Asian nations. Religions such as Buddhism promote meditation which has many benefits that include building skills ideal for stress management, focusing on the present, enhancing tolerance and patience, promoting self-awareness, promoting creativity and imagination, reducing negative emotions, and gaining a new viewpoint during stressful situations (Timothy 25). However, diversity in religions threatens the peace and unity of many nations in South Asia since religion defines a person’s values, behaviors, and beliefs. For instance, the cow is a sacred animal amongst the Hindu faithful, and there have been riots when other religious groups slaughtered cows for beef. The conflicts make it hard for multiple religions to coexist in peace and harmony. However, there is a positive aspect to the diverse viewpoints and disputes associated with religions, as they have aided in the development of an upright society with sound values.

Works Cited

Timothy, Dallen J. “The Middle East and North Africa: A dynamic cultural realm.” Routledge handbook on tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. Routledge, 2018. 24-35.

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