Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly dimension is to focus on such an important subject and shed light on many possible issues that can take place within the scope given. A qualitative approach may be a good option here, given the diversity of the related problems (van den Hoonaard, 2019). It is essential to analyze the relevant factors in the media field and appeal to recent findings and publications.

The latter statement applies much research and specific interpretations that should be provided appropriately. This solid foundation for significant qualitative research (van den Hoonaard, 2019; Smith, 2021). It is crucial to use proper methodologies to have the possibility to provide findings that will address problems arising from formulated research questions. Given the fact that the impact of religion on mass media is a broad topic – as was mentioned above – the qualitative approach seems to be a good option. It gives many unique strategies and instruments to conduct the study in the best way.

In particular, a considerable number of research questions are acceptable in qualitative investigations, which will fit the design of future research (van den Hoonaard, 2019; Bhandari, 2020). Then, interviews can be conducted to evaluate the attitude of participants towards religion in various spheres of mass media – from cinemas to the news. The available methodologies allow one to be flexible in research flow and avert many unexpected issues such as lack of data or study’s irrelevance.


Bhandari, P. (2020). An introduction to qualitative research. Scribbr.

Smith, T. (2021). Qualitative analysis. Investopedia.

van den Hoonaard, D. (2019). Qualitative research in action: a Canadian primer. Don Mills.

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