Republic as a Form of Government


In the course of history, a large number of different forms of government have been formed, each of which has its characteristics. One of them is the republic, which is defined as “the form of government in which representatives of the citizen body rule a state” (“Republic,” n.d., para. 1). Thus, it differs from the monarchy in that only the ruler of the country does not make all critical decisions. In other words, this process is given great importance to citizens and people who represent the population. However, there is another form of government where great importance is given to individuals and their opinion about the political situation; this is democracy. A distinctive feature of democracy is that the role is given to the majority of citizens, and particular importance is given to equality of suffrage.


I believe that a republic is more effective than a monarchy. This is because citizens’ opinion is a valuable source of information about which problems are most relevant for the country. Moreover, unlike the republic, under the monarchy, the rulers take their places by the right of inheritance. In other words, people do not participate in the elections in any way, which can affect dissatisfaction and unrest within the state. In addition, not every ruler can be competent enough to rule, thereby not improving life in the country but only taking measures that can worsen the situation.


In conclusion, the form of government is critical to how effectively a country functions. Moreover, it shows how much the opinion of citizens is taken into account when making any state decisions. Thus, a republic is a form of government in which people occupy an important place in this process, unlike a monarchy, where the monarch is valued. This leads to the opinion that the republic is much more effective due to the population’s participation in the country’s government.


Republic. (n.d.). Britannica. Web.

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