Rethinking Justice: Data-Driven Policing & Emergency Management


The paper is devoted to the comprehensive analysis of the article Rethinking justice: can data-driven approaches remove politics and bias from policing? and investigation of its main ideas in terms of the suggested readings devoted to the emergency management. The fact is that the current situation in the sphere of justice in the USA might be considered complicated. Jails do not contribute to the improvement of the situation, and the number of criminals is still great. For this reason, there is the need for some emergency management that should provide officials with an efficient solution that could help to improve the situation and attain a certain success in the given sphere. In this regard, the given paper offers a detailed investigation of the solutions suggested in the article and their comparison to the ideas mentioned in the chapter that revolves around the most efficient approaches that might help to create an appropriate solution.

Article summary

One obviously realizes the fact that the current situation in the sphere of justice remains complex. The fact is that the majority of criminals who spend a certain period of time in prisons do not feel any remorse and continue committing crimes. For this reason, the efficiency of the existing approach to sentencing is often doubted by the majority of specialists and people who are related to the sphere. Besides, the article Rethinking Justice: Can Data-Driven Approaches Remove Politics and Bias from Policing? tries to analyze the given problem and provide an appropriate solution to it. The author states that being a societal problem, it needs some immediate actions for a community to be able to evolve and continue its evolution (Wood, 2016). The current jail system fails to perform its main functions. For this reason, there is a special Justice Reinvestment Initiative that is expected to improve the situation in the sphere and guarantee the decrease of spending.

Relevance to readings

Therefore, the given article could be analyzed in terms of the emergency management that is described and explored by Stepp. In general, he also admits that prisons and jail riots remain a nightmare for the majority of institution administrators (Stepp, 2015). Stepp recognizes the great problem that exists in the modern society (2015). However, he is sure that to find an appropriate solution the basic concerns of the emergency management should be applied. There is the an obvious necessity of the creation of specific emergency response teams that will be able to create the approach that will consider the basic peculiarities of a certain situation to make it better. Altogether, the above-mentioned article and this reading could be analyzed in terms of the improvement of the situation in the sphere of jail management to alter the image of the existing penitentiary system.


Besides, when analyzing these two sources, it is possible to admit the fact that they are both related to the same problem. It means that its significance and topicality could hardly be doubted. Moreover, having understood the ideas of emergency management, it is possible to suggest the implementation of its basic assumptions into the real life conditions to improve the current situation in the sphere and attain significant success (Barlow, 2016). Hence, a specific response team should analyze every certain case and problems related to a prison and provide an appropriate solution. In other words, the given type of management could help to solve one of the most nagging problems of the modern age.


Barlow, J. (2016). Landmark study suggests new approach to prison building to reduce crime. Web.

Stepp, E. (2015). Emergency management. In P. Carlson (Ed.), Prison and jail administration (pp. 461-471). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett learning.

Wood, C. (2016). Rethinking justice: Can data-driven approaches remove politics and bias from policing? Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 26). Rethinking Justice: Data-Driven Policing & Emergency Management.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Rethinking Justice: Data-Driven Policing & Emergency Management." November 26, 2020.

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