Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity


Christianity and Islam are considered two different religions, although they have some similarities. These two faiths have the largest number of followers globally. The identity of a supernatural being and hellfire are the common beliefs. Assessing the readings of the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Christian theology reveals that despite their differences, each can learn from the advice contained in the other religion’s holy books.

Similarities and Differences

From the readings on Christianity and Hebrew scriptures, these faiths are similar as they both hold that a supreme being oversees their morality. They also hold that this divine being is their savior because he provides people with instructions and rules by which they must abide for moral living. One significant difference is that according to the Koran, Jesus is considered a prophet, and Allah is seen as a divinity to be feared and worshiped as a moral duty, rather than a father. In contrast to Islamic belief in God and prophets alone, Christians and Jews derive all moral duties from their faith in Christ and the promise of eternity with God.

Advice given in Koran to Christians and Jews

The Koran advises Christians that only genuine Christ followers will triumph. It advises people to refrain from being envious of those who are fortunate and to work hard without engaging in corruption. In addition, Christians and Jews are advised to maintain their cleanliness, purity, and abundance of positive thoughts. These are perceived to be the determining factors for a peaceful co-existence with all people enabled by moral living.

Christian Treatment

The advice given in Koran and the decree on the dhimmi compares to Christians’ interaction with people from different religions as they similarly believe in praying for their salvation from sin to receive the mercy of God and Eternal life. This forms the basis for Christian evangelism and teachings on ethical living, where believers take their time to nurture other subject peoples and draw them to Christ.


In conclusion, Christianity and Islam are the two religions with the most followers globally. Some similarities include believing in a deity, one God, and hellfire. However, as Christians believe in Christ as a son of God, Muslims perceive him to be a good prophet. The Koran advises Christians and Jews to show mercy, be compassionate and uphold morality as subject peoples, a concept which aligns with Christians’ treatment of people from different faiths.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 11). Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity. https://studycorgi.com/rise-of-islam-comparing-to-christianity/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity." December 11, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/rise-of-islam-comparing-to-christianity/.


StudyCorgi. "Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity." December 11, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/rise-of-islam-comparing-to-christianity/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity." December 11, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/rise-of-islam-comparing-to-christianity/.

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