Child education is considered a very fundamental part of the growth process. It has now been proven that early exposure to intellectual development programs is an important investment for any country desiring to industrialize. In this e-portfolio, I have attempted to amplify this fact considering that I have been in the teaching profession for the last twenty-two years handling students at the elementary levels typically grades 1,2,4,5, and K.
The initial findings gathered during my stay and teaching in Okinawa Japan point to the fact that diversified, accelerated, and specialized elementary teaching programs have greatly contributed to the advanced state of the Japanese. In this e-portfolio, I have mentioned my contribution to implementing such an approach in the elementary teaching program back in the US.
It remains notable that elementary teaching programs require huge investments to maintain their relevance. Further, still, the use of e-portfolios within the educational fraternity as a way of expression, learning, and development is becoming increasingly necessary to broaden the students’ intellectual capacity the very point I am advocating for in this e-portfolio.
Having been in the teaching profession for the last twenty-two years, I consider the shared experience an important contribution especially as far as elementary teaching is concerned. Using this e-portfolio, I attempt in summary to justify the fact that a special focus and attention should be directed to elementary teaching programs. This is necessary to develop a firm base that should grow and sustain the productivity and industrialization in any nation. As I still carry on research in this area, I will appreciate all the reactions that this posting may attract, which should be directed towards improving our elementary teaching programs in the US.
An e-portfolio also called a digital portfolio describes a library that is electronically assembled portraying different profiles of a user (Jafari, 2006). These being electronic, they will be typically supported on a website. These profiles are generated using conventional electronic elements such as images, hyperlinks, text, and related electronic files (Barret, 2000). On accessing someone’s portfolio, various aspects relating to their abilities and achievements can be derived through self-expression. In the educational fraternity, this is commonly referred to as digital identities. One main objective of establishing and maintaining an electronic portfolio is to enable the portfolio creator to assess their learning enabling them to increase their awareness as far as their learning strategies and needs are concerned. Advancements in technology nowadays support the creation and maintenance of electronic portfolios that are much more adaptable, unlike the traditional paper-based ones. Additionally, these electronic portfolios have been known to spur better learning among their users (Cambridge, 2001).
At present electronic portfolios are proving popular in various areas, including schools and higher education. They have also been found suitable to promote professional development as well as a support job application. These portfolios can be utilized in educational setups to support accreditation as well as assessment.
Electronic portfolios are broadly categorized as representational in which case they serve as a showcase about the owner enumerating their achievements and goals, which is typical of some kind of work. They can also be developmental highlighting the owner’s accomplishments over a definite period. “The reflective portfolio contains the owner’s reflection of the content and its value to the owner” (Villanova University, 2010, p.1). E-portfolios will support the working of recognition of prior learning (RPL) practice based on effective evidence capture and validation. It is made possible by creating links to existing evidence while emphasizing the conversational style as demonstrated by a good RPL process. This is achieved through regular but non-continuous dialogue.
Maxwell Ben
Letter of introduction
Maxwell Ben is forty-eight years old and a child education enthusiast. I am keen on developing productive elementary teaching programs, with a reference to the Japanese accelerated elementary teaching programs. I am presently married, having been for the last twenty-seven years to my lovely wife Emma and have two lovely daughters Gloria who is four years, and Elaine, who is twelve. I have spent most of my years teaching in Jacksonville NC with an initial stint in Japan for five years.
The early years of study for my first degree were at South Ridge University, South Carolina. However, on moving to Florida and setting up a home there in Jacksonville, I have enrolled for an online degree course in a master’s degree in curriculum and instructions in reading.
The years spent in Japan were fulfilling and rich in new experiences. I had a chance to evaluate and compare the elementary education systems of the Japanese and the English. The systems through similar are fundamentally different in various ways. This opened my eyes to incorporate some of these features in our curriculum back home, resulting in a noticeable change in child education uptake. It is necessary to note that for such highly industrialized countries as Japan, the investment going into research and curriculum development is enormous and dynamic to ensure that even the very elementary training systems are moving forward at the same pace as other industries. Japan boasts of high productivity of its people who at times are workaholics, the very reason that made me hate homework. Creating an environment that spurs the development of a child’s capabilities establishes a productive mentality when they grow up. It is part of the Japanese secret to their high industrialization rate.
Below here is a gallery of my pictures and artifacts for my portfolio.

Barret, H. (2000).How to create your own electronic portfolio. Web.
Cambridge, B. (2001). Electronic portfolios: Emerging practices in student, faculty and institutional learning. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing.
Jafari, A. (2006). Handbook of research in e-portfolios. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Villanova University. (2010). Villanova University: ePortfolio examples. Web.