Waste Services Coordinator
As the overall manager of the “Rubbish Are Us” team, he is expected to set goals, solve problems, manage time, provide effective communication, with good interpersonal skills, work well in the team, and has the ability to manage conflicts. He is expected to:
- Oversee the whole staff, provide work guidelines and standards, as well as expected output or targets.
- Oversee proper collection and disposal practices adhering to state and regulatory standards.
- Supervise all major activities sourced out to contractors to minimize duplication and costing.
- Evaluate existing practices, develop and recommend better alternatives to continually improve efficiency.
- Report to the external committees or councils involved in waste disposal budgeting, regulation, and other concerns.
Technical Field Supervisor
- review the council’s waste management program.
- asses and review collection, disposal, and recycling processes.
- prepare and implement the use of landfills.
- design and operate waste transfer processes.
- report directly to the Waste Services Coordinator for output and other work-related concerns.
- Evaluate and recommend practices for lorry operations, collection, and disposal.
Administrative Assistant
- Assist the Waste Services Coordinator in all aspects that concern the Community Coordinators.
- Keep and maintain records, reports, contracts, and other relevant data with regards to rubbish collection and disposal.
4 Community Officers
- Train and orient outsourced personnel on guidelines and skills needed from segregation, collection to disposal of waste.
- Provide assistance to the citizens or residents of Derby on waste disposal problems or issues.
- Lends expertise in home-based waste segregation, recycling, composting, and safe disposal.
- Assist in outsourced garbage/waste collection issues and coordinate with outsourced and contract jobs.
- Report directly to Waste Services Coordinator for output and other work-related concerns.
- Train and supervise lorry operators, the collection and disposal processes.
Lorry Operators
- Coordinate with community officers, residents, and contractors for proper pick-up and disposal of waste.
- Proper and sanitary pick-up and dispose of waste and garbage in the Derby borough.
- Maintain sanitary conditions of both pick-up points and delivery points as well as within the community.
The Rubbish Are Us Management
The Rubbish Are Us team is composed of only 15 in all. Since there are only allowed about 20 staff, it has minimized its team to 15 in order to efficiently provide tight working coordination between members and their heads. This will also reduce overhead costs and compensations. The operations will cost about an annual expense of £ (Please provide a working budget – thanks!) to cover:
- Salaries (£ ).
- Acquisition of 8 lorries (£ ).
- Maintenance (£ ).
- Disposal Sanitation (£ ).
Outsourced / Contract Jobs
- Garbage / Waste Collection
- Recycling Facility
- Toxic Waste Disposal
An analysis of the controls to be used
Derby is a settlement or borough in the United Kingdom with a 2001 census reporting a population of the borough as 233,700 whilst the Derby Urban Area was 229,407 (UP, 2007). Derby is a city of 30.1 sq mi (78.03 km²) and with 17 wards located in the East Midlands region of England upon the banks of the River Derwent south of the shire county of Derbyshire.

The Derby City Council currently adapted a rubbish waste and recycling program with a number of legal waste duties to perform, from collecting household rubbish to providing waste services to businesses that request it. The Council introduced a comprehensive recycling service to the majority of residents in Derby and has started to roll out a similar scheme for businesses. This has resulted in reduced rubbish buried in a landfill in the last few years from over 90,000 Tonnes per year to less than 70,000 last year (Derby City Council, 2008).
The rubbish services are divided into four areas of
Commercial Waste – refuse or disposals of manufacturing plants, from solid to liquid chemicals and other waste not related to direct human consumption and use. This scheme ensures that waste is handled safely and within the law and applicable to applies to those who produce, import, transport, store, treat or dispose controlled waste from business or industry. The services provided are:
- Trade refuse collection.
- Trade recycling collection.
- Confidential waste collection.
- One Off Junk, loose or bagged collections.
- Trade clinical collection.
Household Waste – The waste collection programme encompasses recycling and composting about 40% of the household waste and is called Recycle for Derby rolled out to about 90% of the city. The recycling process is guided as follows:
Week 1 Recycling
- Brown Bin – garden waste, food waste and cardboard go in the brown organics bin
- Blue Bin – glass bottles and jars, tins and cans plastic bottles go in the blue recyclables bin
- Blue Bag – newspapers and magazines go in the blue newspapers bag
- Red Bag – old clothes go in the red textiles bag
Week 2 Refuse
Black Bin – is for items that cannot be recycled as absent above.
Home composting is encouraged and practised in Derby where the council help provide guidelines, information, and composting supplies to the residents.
Through the Rubbish Are Us, management of recycling, composting and waste collection is facilitated efficiently as the compact team generates all the information and workload needed to connect the council, the residents, business organizations and the waste collectors.
There is a growing need to continually as well as extensively inform the residents and commercial establishments in the proper and improving ways to dispose off waste. Considerably, the team must also update the council of the development and problems encountered in the process so as to maintain an interactive, healthy and open flow of communication and information. This will facilitate a speedy resolution to problems that may occur in the processes of waste disposal, collection and recycling.
The staff is needed to both oversee and help implement the composting process as the obligation in outsourced waste collection ends where the collectors begin. However, the both the Technical Field Supervisor and the Waste Services Coordinator are tasked to check and evaluate proper waste disposal proceedings beyond collection. The recycling plants and home or community-based composting projects need to be supervised and evaluated on a regular basis to maintain a standard adhering to expectation and guidelines implemented.
An Analysis of the Motivators Required and their Operation
It is to be understood that in a growing integration of global economies, it has become imperative to consider going challenges in most business operations. Some of these include global competition, ethical and social responsibility, speed of responsiveness, the digital workplace and diversity (Lecture 2).
Organisations are social entities that are goal directed with a structured activity system and are usually linked to an outside environment through a chain of supplies or even consumption, direct or indirect. Organisations are expected to bring in results and achieve goals, use resources to come up with products or services, and in the contemporary global setting, adapt or influence the community or environment, provide value to consumers or customers, and integrate ethics and social connectedness to the operations as a whole.
A perspective on the organisation to be used by this essay shall encompass the open system of which it interacts with the environment or community where it imports, consumes and sends in resources to the environment (Lecture 2).
In a rubbish collection and disposal scheme, there is a need for a working motivation from all levels of the work force. Below is a proposed paradigm:

From a good leadership and management, the elements of motivation are expected to begin with the desire to be free from dependency on others, freedom to live the lifestyle dreamt of, freedom to explore ideas. Consequently, total freedom is not encouraged or ideally practised, but the struggle to achieve that ideal is the basis for motivation (Lecture 3).
It has also been suggested that motivation is built on three basic elements:
1. It starts with a need, a vision, a dream or a desire to achieve something that has not been done yet. It is closely associated with creativity, of ideas, projects, and goals considered as path to freedom.
Develop a love-to to-learn lifestyle and be involved with risky ventures and continually seek new opportunities. There is a need to bear in mind that success results from learning what works and does not work.
Develop the ability to overcome barriers and to bounce back from loss, failure, or discouragement. Achievers tolerate failure and consider that worthwhile endeavour, barriers and failure will always be there. To be able to bounce back is creative thinking as it is learning and unlearning process which requires another start, over again (Lecture 3).
The 7 Rules of Motivation are:
- Set a major goal, but follow a path.
- Finish what you start.
- Socialize with others of similar interest.
- Learn how to learn.
- Harmonize natural talent with interest that motivates.
- Increase knowledge on subjects that inspires.
- Take risk.” (Lecture 3).
Recommendations on how the work should be managed
There is an increasing pressure at all costs to integrate social and ethical concerns within the organisational proceedings so that both policy-makers which are external in the business organisation as well as management need to adapt to necessary measures as expected.
“Rubbish Are Us” must be able to outline a framework of its goals and objectives. This needs to look into internal and external approach or combine the perspectives to evaluate the organisation itself and its position to achieve its goals (Oraifige, Lecture 4).
The target is to:
- Improve organisational performance
- Evaluate the likely effects of immediate or long-term changes
- Align departments and processes to accommodate changes
- Determine how to implement strategies (Lecture 4).
Using the McKinsey 7S Model developed by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, it involves 7 interdependent factors both Hard and Soft Elements:

Hard elements include strategy statements, organisation charts, reporting lines, formal process and IT systems. These are utilised in the Rubbish Are Us systems from the management to the outsourcing levels to provide clear agenda, outcome, and process of achieving goals in a linear (both horizontal and vertical) manner. Exchange and access of information is implemented so that no one is left behind and each staff could support one another as expected from them where problems of absence of staff or presence of issues in areas where these are not expected occur.
Soft elements are harder to pinpoint yet equally important and underlies the relationships established within the organisation. Establishing rapport and camaraderie is necessitated in all organisations in order to achieve efficient sharing and support where work professionalism is concerned.

The formula suggests that the goal is defined where players or team members are expected of providing their skills, strategies and shared values to attain the goal. Likewise, a structure is defined of which staff, their style and systems are shared as support system. Oraifige (Lecture 4) suggested that the winning formula has goal-setting and standard for the organisation aside from identifying skills required. The supporting organisation sets the guide, motivation and monitoring for decision-making.
The strategy includes the integration of a set of actions to deliver superior value to the customers: the residents of Derby. The cost of procedure, however, closely influences the planning and implementation so as not to exceed from provided and available resources. From the acknowledgment of existing superior (the council and policy-makers), definition of customers, to the contracted organisations, Rubbish Are Us must be able to provide a defined plan and implementation guidelines as well as how to achieve goals in order to efficiently deliver results. While priorities are clearly enumerated, development plans must also be in place in order to surpass standard and increase quality and expectation from time to time (Lecture 4).
With shared values, ideas of what is right and desirable must be present in the workplace to guide individual behaviour. The management and staff must be aware how they can be distinctive, define priorities, markets, product lines, organisational units, short and long term goals. The staff must know how things are done and decided upon, how important issues are dealt with, and what are the issues confronting higher management (Lecture 4).
Skills within the structure of the organisation must be sufficient. Capabilities must be congruent to the expected output from the organisation, both as individual members and as a whole team so that important management activities must be complied with at the same time, the need to develop non-business system functions like people development and industrial relations as well as special management challenges be met (Lecture 4).
In this process or adapting strategies, skills and shared values, Rubbish Are Us could provide and maintain a well-functioning team as contactor for the efficient collection and disposal of waste in the Derby borough.
Derby City Council (2008). “Rubbish Waste and Recycling.” Web.
University of Portsmouth (UP) (2004). “Derby UA: Total Population.” A Vision of Britain Through Time. Great Britain Historical GIS Project. 2008. Web.
Daft, Richard (Your Lecture). Organization Theory and Design.
Oraifige, Ilias (Your Lecture). The Management of Lean and Agile Organisations.