Beach-Inspired Design and Maintenance Solutions for Salt Restaurant

The design of the Salt Restaurant that is presented here was created with two major goals in mind: first, we wanted to develop a welcoming image that would resemble the natural landscape of a beach, and second, we aimed to make the design convenient in implementation and use.

Knowing the importance of the first impression, we paid particular attention to the two main entrances that are located in the front and back parts of the restaurant. We aimed at reconstructing a beach landscape, which is why we used natural beach rocks (with the maximum size of 40 centimeters) together with sand, palms, and bushes. Two more entrances are designated for ordering: one of them is located to the left, next to the tables, and is intended for table orders; the other one can be found to the right, and it is meant for orders that are made without leaving the car.

Having passed the entrance, the Salters will be guided by the corridors that are devised to resemble a path, which was created by nature and not a design company. To this end, we avoided making the track straight and designed its turns to mimic those of a naturally developed path. Apart from that, we decorated it with plants that add the bright green color to the sunny and sandy landscape of the restaurant.

The tables for the Salters are located in two areas: under the roof and the sky to satisfy the wishes of the guests and provide solutions for different weather. The plants appear in these parts as well, predominantly in the form of green shrubs.

The plants are one of the main themes of the design, and they include small green shrubs, cactuses, and palms. The choice of the plants was not arbitrary: we sought to mimic the natural landscape of a beach, which is why we avoided the types of plants that cannot be seen at the seaside. For the same reason, no flowers are used in the design. Moreover, the green color of the plants is to be emphasized: in particular, we plan to place ground spotlights under the palms to illuminate them and make the color brighter.

The use of a large number of plants in this design means that they will require tending. Watering the plants in front of the customers is unlikely to be convenient, and the choice of fertilizers may be a challenging issue since the result must guarantee the lack of distracting or unpleasant smells and dangerous substances. The importance of these aspects for a restaurant cannot be underestimated, and our team offers solutions. In particular, the team suggests employing a fully automated irrigation system to keep the plants healthy and minimize the effort dedicated to their watering.

Our team may be hired for the choice and installation of the system, and our skilled engineers will take care of locating the main water tank, determining the right time for the watering and the correct amount of water, which is necessary for different plants, and automating the process. Apart from that, our team can provide advice on fertilizers and pesticides to ensure the health of the plants while avoiding the use of harmful or smelly substances. Thus, we can facilitate the implementation of this design and make sure that the landscape is not only beautiful and in line with the Salt brand but also convenient and easy to maintain.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, April 7). Beach-Inspired Design and Maintenance Solutions for Salt Restaurant.

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StudyCorgi. "Beach-Inspired Design and Maintenance Solutions for Salt Restaurant." April 7, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Beach-Inspired Design and Maintenance Solutions for Salt Restaurant." April 7, 2021.

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