Scotland’s and Sweden’s Cultural Diversity


Society is an integral organization in which individuals living together interact and share common values, beliefs, and interpersonal elements, enhancing their ability to share opinions and ideas. For instance, societal expectation entails avital implicates regulations that influence individual actions and beliefs. On the other hand, cultural attitude plays an integral role in every society; it encompasses an individualized mechanism of thinking mainly exhibited by a specific portion of the society1. Attitudes are prone to variation regarding time; this paper will mainly focus on discussing social perceptions and cultural attitudes and their respective occurrences.

Societal Perception and Cultural Attitude in Sweden

In Sweden, society has been built on desirable cultural norms such as equality and individualism. The Swede’s perception on free funded hours is a strong dedication to family time. Therefore, they purely utilize the hours to strengthen family bonds while embracing work from the home employment system2. Further, Sweden has been considered ethnically homogeneous; however, their attitude towards free funded hours is positive and mainly considered an opportunity to embrace togetherness which is mainly nurtured within the family.

Societal Perception and Cultural Attitude in Scotland

Scotland has a well-known and remarkably distinct societal perception and cultural attitude. As a nation, it has embraced diverse cultural strands shaped by allies such as Europeans.The country’s perception of free funded hours is considered an opportunity to intergrate flexibility, which forms part of the employment scheme. Additionally, Scotland has diverse cultural expectations, ranging from sentimental, superstitious, and spiritual. As part of cultural attitudes, Scottish have a positive attitude towards free funded hours as they embrace the same opportunity to enhance their cultural diversity away from work.


Finally, both Scotland and Sweden have cultural diversity, which shapes the social perception and dedicates citizens’ actions. Both nations have highly traditional cultural elements that direct society behavior-wise.


L. Linda, and Birgitta Jordansson. “How gender equal is Sweden? An analysis of the shift in focus under neoliberalism.” Social Change 50, no. 1 (2020): 28-43.

M. Joel. “Back to the future: Old values for a new (more equal) world.” Futures 128 (2021): 102727.

B. Georgia Vance. ” So Come All Ye Who Love Freedom”: Inclusive National Identity in Northern European Communities of Musical Practice. University of California, Los Angeles, 2019.


  • 1-Lane, Linda, and Birgitta Jordansson. “How gender equal is Sweden? An analysis of the shift in focus under neoliberalism.” Social Change 50, no. 1 (2020): 28-43
  • 2-Millward-Hopkins, Joel. “Back to the future: Old values for a new (more equal) world.” Futures 128 (2021): 102727

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