Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation

Scriptural authority and theological interpretation are two distinct and different topics. According to Entwistle (2021), scripture is incredibly authoritative, and those who do this place their views on the same level of authority as scripture itself. Theological interpretation takes precedence over psychological interpretation, which a person may have, and a person’s knowledge of things must be reviewed, perhaps leading to incorrect conclusions. When erroneous findings are discovered, it is an excellent time to reassess the data that underpins theological and psychological decisions. According to colonists, people may experience emotional distress due to the disparities that have arisen, and they will have to work harder to deal with and work through them. The distinction is critical since the information discovered may not be accurate. Regardless of what life has provided an individual, theology delves into the basis on which God brought that individual to life (Entwistle, 2021). As a result, without a thorough understanding of theology, one can never comprehend the foundations of God’s mechanisms of creating the world and his people. On the other hand, psychology can reveal where a person has been their entire life.

While Entwistle differentiates between theological interpretation and scriptural authority, colonists’ final commitment is to theology (Peterson, 2016). They intended to place scripture atop nature but were concerned that it would be misinterpreted. Nature has less power than Scripture (Entwistle, 2021). Anyone can make mistakes when it comes to an understanding of the Bible. This model’s literature is based chiefly on theological interpretation and scriptural citation. Failure to do so resulted in a lack of knowledge of the difference between theological interpretation and scriptural authority. Instead, they relied on their convictions, which resulted in confusion and theological imperialism. As a result, they start to believe that their mode of thinking has authority behind it (Entwistle, 2021). Everyone should be aware that scripture is authoritative, especially true for those who believe the Bible is true.

It is the conviction that the Bible is supreme, and it is impossible to have God’s word without having God’s works. However, colonialists see God’s word as troublesome because they apply their way of thinking to it, resulting in an ambiguous interpretation (Entwistle, 2021). “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding,” says Proverbs 3:5 (Loader, 2014). They are doing this, and they do not consider God’s word to be authoritative.

Psychologists’ interpretations are less essential than theological clarification, This interpretation is vital because theology is grounded on the Bible and what it examines. They are apprehensive that nature could be misinterpreted, resulting in inaccurate results (Entwistle, 2021). A person’s first notion is indeed their ultimate opinion. Both psychological and theological expositions can be false; methodologies, premises, and psychological or theological data collection may result in erroneous findings (Entwistle, 2021). When things are misrepresented, it is crucial to investigate the issue and not assert or depend on somebody else’s premises. “Let everyone be obedient to the ruling authorities,” writes Romans 13:1 Harvey, 2017), “because there is no authority besides that which God has established.” The Lord is the origin of everything excellent and unblemished.

When people go through the Bible and come across a scripture that they do not understand, they should first refer to a religious person who is well-versed in scripture to help them better understand the passage they are studying. Then, they can explain it to them in their own words. The answers are considerably different when one questions the pastor, but the referenced meaning remains the same, just more in-depth. Some people will perceive the scripture differently than when others read it. That does not mean that their approach is wrong but that everyone reacts differently to the reading. Therefore, attending Bible study or theology studies is beneficial to understanding scripture’s actual and correct meaning.


Entwistle, D. N. (2021). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. Cascade Books.

Harvey, J. D. (2017). Romans. B & H Academic.

Loader, J. A. (2014). Proverbs 1-9. Peeters.

Peterson, R. S. (2016). Darren Sarisky, Scriptural Interpretation: A Theological Exploration. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 292pp. $102.95 / £65.00. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18(1), 108–112.

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