Messaging & Face-to-Face Communication: Setting Goals

Communication plays a great role in the modern world as it ensures that people properly understand each other in different settings. The exchange of information is related to the flow, coordination, as well as learning and listening skills. In addition, communication is the basis for establishing both personal and professional relationships. I want to improve my text messaging and email communication and face-to-face interaction knowledge and skills.

The importance of face-to-face communication refers to the fact that people use it every day to translate their messages, cooperate with others, and understand what they want. Without effective communication, it is impossible to make strong connections and be effective as a team. Therefore, I believe that I should work on my verbal and non-verbal communication abilities to learn how to become an active participant in conversations. According to Hynes and Veltsos (2018), it is critical to choose proper words, maintain eye contact, and watch your posture, and it is also noted as useful to practice active listening. In other words, communication should not be perceived as for granted. Instead, effective face-to-face communication needs to be developed through both theory and practice.

As for text messaging and email communication, media and messengers allow for interacting remotely, which is important for business and personal communication. In this case, not only grammar rules, but also the structure, writing style, and purpose should be taken into account (Hynes & Veltsos, 2018). I would like to learn email communication etiquette to master my writing skills. It seems that I should focus on such strategies as defining value proposition, personalizing emails and messages, and understanding what the other person exactly wants from communication.


Hynes, G. E., & Veltsos, J. R. (2018). Managerial communication: Strategies and applications. Sage Publications.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Messaging & Face-to-Face Communication: Setting Goals." April 6, 2022.

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