Social Media and International Business


Named as the all-time fastest-growing social media platform, TikTok is undeniably the most downloaded app globally.

How popular is TikTok?

This short video app snowballed during the COVID-19 pandemic when many users were forced to explore new platforms for their content and sought new connections with their online audiences. In Q1 of 2020, TikTok set the record for the most downloads for a single social media app, at 314 million installations, finally settling at over 850 downloads by year-end.

With one billion active users globally, TikTok is sitting proudly at number 7 in the social media networks ranking, excluding the 600 million users of Douyin, the Chinese version. Tiktok is ahead of traditional social networking apps like Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn.

To put this into perspective: Facebook took four years to hit the same number of monthly users while Instagram did it in slightly below three years.

TikTok and International marketing

An emerging social media trend amongst the younger audience of a combination of collaboration and creative skills, TikTok is now a favorite of marketers. Fast-paced, it retains users engaged for relatively long periods, with users spending an average of 52 minutes per day. Ninety percent of all TikTok users are highly active on the app daily. A one-month survey of TikTok users’ behavior revealed that 55 percent upload their videos while 68 percent watch a video (Globalwebindex, 2019).

How can marketers use TikTok?

A highly playful market environment patronized by the younger audience is now reachable through TikTok. TikTok is the launchpad for many social media memes that go global. Brands can boost their credibility and revenue by utilizing this cutting-edge marketing trend. Unlike conventional video marketing options, TikTok does not require enormous budgets to create video content but relies on spontaneous content created on the go in ordinary surroundings.

TikTok provides a level market field with reach and engagement. Requiring zero followers, unlike other social media platforms such as YouTube or Instagram, TikTok accounts can get millions of views and likes on a new video because of the viral nature of its algorithm. When content appeals to the general or targeted audience, they engage immediately.

TikTok enjoys more audience engagement from app followers than other social media platforms (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2019). Therefore, marketers can achieve higher sustained buzz with a carefully planned and rolled out campaign when using content appealing to a target audience.

Product and Service Marketing

As the Chief Marketing Officer of a global company dealing with beauty products and fashion apparel, adopting TikTok as a preferred marketing channel for these three products and services will increase sales, revenue, and market penetration.

Latest Fashion Launch

Tutorial videos can easily fit a wide variety of our brands. Our clothing stores can upload a video of a fashion show presenting a collection of new designs or demonstrating how a specific cloth or dress is worn.

Beauty Products

The beauty products industry is congested with cutthroat marketing strategies. TikTok has entrenched influencer marketing when launching new products or services more than any social media channel. An influencer marketer is a TikToker whose account has many followers running into millions. Using these marketers to showcase our beauty products will drive sales, engagement, and recognition.


Sales are in our stores are driven by human traffic, which translates to customers. TikTok videos of our launches will funnel human traffic into our stores.

I have learned that TikTok is a powerful and influential marketing tool. I have also learned that TikTok has a global audience without borders and minimal language barriers. To therefore succeed in marketing, one must embrace emerging marketing channels that require minimal operating and content creation budgets.

Works Cited

Globalwebindex, 2019. Social GlobalWebIndex’s flagship report on the latest trends in social media. Web.

Influencer Marketing Hub, 2019. The State of Influencer Marketing 2019: Benchmark Report [+Infographic]Web.

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