Societal Reflection of the Movie Hustlers

A group of women in the film are having wonderful experiences and making a mockery of an industry that is frequently mocked and shamed. The context allows the women to take back authority from their work’s men-dominated, transaction-oriented nature. The movie is deliriously fun and has far more on the mind than a simple scripted video or the idea of strippers being popular. Expectations are subverted with a feminist filmmaking work, both in terms of appearance and personalities, offering a transition movie that is just as smart as entertaining. Hustlers stand out for their attention to character development and careful consideration of modern-day friendships when there are so many books and films.

The plan of the strippers is easily dismissed as a non-criminal scheme. After all, they are after men who tried to rig America’s economic development, profiting from many individuals’ hardships. It is a satisfying act of vengeance for disrespected or overshadowed women doing their best to survive and thrive (Eggert). According to Eggert “America is full of people who will do anything for money, as said by Ramona in the epilogue of the movie” (Eggert). This concept is one of those small touches that make the movie feel like a snapshot of American culture. Sure, many great crime films depict gentlemen deceiving, embezzling, and brutalizing to maintain abreast. Many men do evil things, but they are still entertaining to watch. Hustlers is an excellent example of a tradition where women are prominent and men are secondary.

Even though the film contains a significant number of provocative and strip dancing, the protagonists are vehemently opposed to the dominant masculine gazes seen in most movies. The attractiveness of the actors is frequently displayed in films, but the effect still does not satiate the audience. The work of these women, as well as their on-stage friendship, is highly regarded. The idea is demonstrated in several scenes early in the film when Destiny learns to pole dance from Ramona, who sees every move as a way to get paid. This movie breaks down the job rather than depicting strippers as annihilated or making them seem like something less than human.

Male violence, as well as a reflection of patriarchal society, features prominently in the film. The pressure is prevalent when the entertainers are alone with clients in the champagne room. Money may buy sex, but it does not purchase the women who give it. Destiny tells Jennifer, “It’s fine if you don’t believe me” (Boshier). Women need each other’s support now more than ever because no one will listen to them if they don’t listen to each other. The context allows for a broader critique of capitalism when Ramona’s plan against clients prevails. More specifically, Ramona says, “This entire country is a strip club.” (Boshier). Hustlers is a vital and somber look at power imbalance in America in a year when gender disparity and the likelihood of economic depression are as pertinent as ever. However, its authenticity is ultimately overwhelming as men and women are urged to stick together in the broader world.

To summarize, the economic structure is not the only skewed one. Because society’s moral codes are based on social values that are misogynistic, exclusionary, and full of racism, it is easy to lose track of when it is acceptable to violate them. Hustlers does not provide simple answers to whether it is right or wrong for individuals born without privilege to steal from someone who was. These women have honestly depicted their circumstances, inevitably implicating the culture that compels us to view one another as commodities. Hustlers portray womanhood in all of its tones of human civilization, be it beautiful or ugly, strong or vulnerable, honorable or dishonorable, making the film a truly empowering one for women, even if it sounds corny. Aside from that, everyone can relate to the struggle of doing what it takes to flourish in a universe that does not care if you survive.

Works Cited

Boshier, Rosa. How Hustlers Shows the Importance of Female Solidarity. The Guardian, 2019.

Eggert, Brian. Hustlers. Deep Focus Review, 2019.

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