Society Should Get Rid of Birthday Celebration as a Norm

A birthday is a personal celebration of people that occurs only once a year. It is generally accepted that the people around them try to greet the person and make it the happiest day of the year. It is essential to note that some individuals are happy to accept congratulations, while others are anxious or even disconnected from the phone (Luhmann, 2018). Thus, it is essential to establish reasons to get rid of the norm of birthday celebrations.

The first reason is that people spend a whole year waiting for their birthday to change or improve something about themselves. In fact, this day is just the date on which a person was born, meaning it has no other meaning and does not assist individuals in fulfilling their own desires (Luhmann, 2018). Therefore, if we get rid of the social norm of celebrating birthdays, more people will stop making wishes and instead work every day to achieve their dreams. This way, the world’s population will become more productive and enjoy better welfare.

At the same time, the modern world has become globalized, which is why society is now interested in global phenomena rather than individual ones. Accordingly, the second reason for not celebrating the day is that most people simply forget to congratulate friends or relatives because of the amount of work or worries around the house. As a rule, they send birthday greetings to people through the phone’s reminder function (Luhmann, 2018). Thus, people are now focused on global processes or on their own lives, and birthdays are just formalities and customs that need to be observed. Moreover, many people are upset by their age and become depressed. This phenomenon occurs most often on the day of birth, although humans are getting older every day (Luhmann, 2018). Thus, abolishing the rule of celebrating birthdays will improve the emotional and psychological state of the population.


Luhmann, N. (2018). Are there still indispensable norms in our society?. Soziale Systeme, 14(1), 18-37. Web.

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