Developing a Positive Worldview: Theoretical & Practical Aspects


It is crucial for every person to develop a single exhaustive and consistent worldview that is positive and which a person endeavors to stand by on a daily basis (Boylan, 2014). Scholars distinguish between two divisions of the personal worldview imperative: theoretical and practical. The theoretical one requires the individual to perform a comprehensive self-examination of values. This requirement necessitates uncovering what the person believes in and arranging this worldview inventory into a broad and meaningful whole (Boylan, 2014). The practical phase presupposes that individuals should act in accordance with basic values expressed in their worldview inventory. In the formation of a personal worldview, an important place belongs to spirituality and its understanding by each individual.

Meanings of Spirituality

The concept of spirituality is frequently analyzed in relation to religion. Some scholars consider religion and spirituality as complementary terms. Others argue that religion supports spirituality (Oman, 2013). Spirituality may be defined as the quality of being interested in the human soul rather than in material things. Some scholars define this term as an inherent tendency or capacity (Oman, 2013). Others say that is a source of social and personal change (Boylan, 2014). Spirituality is also explained as the capacity for religious belief. The reason why scholars prefer to view spirituality as a capacity is that using such a method, it is possible to assert that all people have spirituality (Oman, 2013). Another way of defining spirituality is through substantive and functional approaches. In this case, the term is viewed as the facilitator of dealing with existential problems. According to Oman (2013), the functional capacity of spirituality is helping individuals to deal with the questions of death and dying.

Understanding the Concepts of Pluralism, Scientism, and Postmodernism

Spirituality is viewed through a diversity of philosophical concepts, such as pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. The concept of scientism presupposes that it is possible to apply a scientific approach to answering any question including the ones related to values, God’s existence, and meaning. Therefore, scientism empowers scientific knowledge to give an interpretation of all other forms (Blackford & Schüklenk, 2013). Postmodernism declares that there is no absolute truth, particularly in what concerns spirituality and religion. Thus, according to postmodernists, the matter of truth and God is under question. The ultimate what starts as the rejection of truth in postmodernist is further reflected in pluralism. According to this philosophy, the reality is constituted by a variety of substances. Thus, pluralism composes a diversity of opinions as opposed to a single approach or method.

Addressing the Basic Worldview Questions

The question of prime reality is associated with the belief in God and the existence of the supernatural. Personally, I believe that there is God, and that the major power is concentrated in His hands. I also believe that He created the world. However, this belief intermingles with my scientific views.

People frequently argue about the nature of the world around them. For me, the world is orderly and subjective. I think that the world is temporal, and the duration of its existence is related to religious aspects.

An interesting aspect of anyone’s worldview is the understanding of a human being. For me, there are two possible options. The primary opinion is that people are created in the image of God. However, I also consider a possibility of a person being a profoundly evolved biological machine.

Personally, I believe that there is life after death. Thus, in my worldview, after death, people are either punished or rewarded for their actions during life. They enter a spiritual realm depending on their earthly conduct.

The majority of individuals considers it possible that with the help of perception and reason, we can explore things and discover the truth about them (Anderson, 2014). Personally, I agree with this statement. I think that it is possible to know anything through education and analysis.

The question of what is right and what is wrong can be answered with the help of universal moral principles existing in every culture. In every society, there are norms defining what is considered acceptable in relation to others. Also, people usually have similar opinions on honesty, virtue, and other significant concepts. Thus, it is possible to tell right from wrong by using these universal moral standards.

The question of human history is concerned with the concept of meaning rather than time. For some people, the search for this meaning constitutes the most complicated issue of their lives. As for me, meaning is found in fulfilling the aims set by God.


Every person has a unique worldview in accordance with which they interpret the things around them. Spirituality plays a significant role in the formation of people’s worldview. While it is crucial to analyze spirituality as a component of a holistic approach to individuality, philosophical concepts of postmodernism and scientism make it difficult to accept spirituality in all spheres of people’s activity. My personal worldview is affected by my faith. However, scientific knowledge that I have obtained leaves a possibility of developing a pluralistic perspective.


Anderson, J. N. (2014). What’s your worldview?: An interactive approach to life’s big questions. Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

Blackford, R., & Schüklenk, U. (2013). Fifty great myths about atheism. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Boylan, M. (2014). Environmental ethics (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Oman, D. (2013). Defining religion and spirituality. In R. F. Paloutzian & C. L. Park (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality (2nd ed.) (pp. 23-47). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

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