Strategic Human Resource Management and Performance

Employees are the organizational members of staff who are directly in touch with the targeted clients and this makes them the most critical feature of the organization. For a successful operational fiscal year, the Human resource managers have to ensure that they do recruit employees with potential and possess qualifications that will enable them to create value that is anticipated by the clients. Human resource managers would not be able to realize improved performance were it not for the hard work of their employees; thus, human resource managers delegate authority to their employees for them to achieve organizational goals.

However, the amount of delegated authority may span beyond their perceptions, the customers, the shareholders, and the other management’s perceptions; therefore, human resource managers need to be wary in their delegation of authority. The creation of value is paramount to the satisfaction of the customer’s needs. Satisfaction of customer needs requires the collection of various views and opinions from different personnel; this information must then be passed to the personnel who are responsible for satisfying customer needs to ensure that they are in a position to deliver the product that is anticipated by the customers.

Value creation has made the integrated human resource team have their managers and the employees amongst other partners such as the customers serviced at strategic and particular positions or in other words at the specific business units with the sole target of having to realize the roles and tasks that are beneficial to the holistic corporate. Human resource teams do in some instances have the implementation of work specialization which has been in practice for industrial relations in most instances and in other areas specialization is done on basis of the responsibilities that are awarded per personnel such as the ones that are centered in the production process. All these efforts have been made with the sole aim of having the organization realize its goals and targets which can only be achieved through the full involvement of the employees in their areas of operation to ensure that the clients are satisfied.

Opinions that are communicated to the human resource managers and the relative directors from the customers cannot be implemented to the betterment of the customer’s requirements satisfaction if the same was not delegated to the respective employees. Employees’ eyes are meant to ensure that all the issues raised are well communicated to the human resource team with the sole aim of enabling sufficient management of the members of staff that is within the organization unit.

The shareholders and other relative partners eye gives opinions on how well the organization could be managed with the sole aim of ensuring that value creation is attained from the value for money to value being added to the final product. The company must give their opinions to the team that is managing the enterprise as a synergy but it is argued too that the investors need to have confidence in the management team and the general process. The shareholder’s realization of each of the employee’s roles in the creation of value in most instances is different but this can be brought to par by the promotion of the employee’s efforts as far as the attainment of the organization success is concerned. The reports that are done annually should be done in such a way that they do emphasize the organizational communication and the engagement and involvement of the employees which should also incorporate the growth of the business due to the effectiveness of the communication that is implemented within the enterprise.

Employees are a very critical factor in an organizational setting because they are the ones that are liable for the first impression and relieve the clients of the tense and discouraging environment. Unsatisfied employees will in most cases ignore the clients to an extent that they will be forced to somehow clear the throat with the sole aim that they will receive the attention that they are trying to seek but only to be assisted by some averted faces. Employees that are not given the motive to do the job and give quality service and products as per the clients’ demands would frustrate the clients hence lowering the overall organizational performance. Being the very first part of the organization employees are used by the human resources team to ensure that they do communicate to the overall management on the clients’ preferences with the sole aim of gaining an upper hand as far as the customer portfolio is concerned.

On the other hand, the managerial perspectives which come from the fellow management team such as the sale and marketing directors need to be communicated to the fellow employees to ensure that the whole human resource portfolio is at par as far as the overall organizational direction perspectives are concerned. The human resource director has the sole role of ensuring all eyes that are fundamental to the realization of the value for all that is in the business are given a chance and their worries and comments are going to be communicated effectively to the designated members of staff.

The creation of the value which is the main goal of all organizations does involve the considerations of all the feedback from the customers and the other parties’ perceptions of the same then communicating to the employees the expectations of all of them with the sole aim of ensuring that they are going to enable them to customize the products to meet the client’s needs and expectations. Employees must play the role of the eyes to the human resource managers as they are the ones that did recruit them into the job to ensure that they can facilitate the growth of the organization. Despite having other parties give their perceptions of the general expectations as far as the overall organizational performance is concerned. A quality product that is not delivered to the customers by some very unwelcoming employees will not have the overall value for money attached to it.


In conclusion, the human resource manager is based by the fact of the job in the back of the office and for them to be able to reach to their clients they need to incorporate the employees’ eyes fully in their assessment of the overall company performance. Despite having to listen to the other stakeholder’s opinions it is argued that the employee’s points of view need to be well looked at as they are the people who are directly in contact with the clients as well as the human resource directors and other parties as well. In an organization, employees are the sole producers and the other parties are just there to evaluate their work and efforts. Being the most involved party in the production process; employees are used by the human resources as their representatives in the attainment of the overall organizational targets as far as the creation of the value is involved.

Reference List

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