Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education

People with disabilities have all the same rights and freedoms, yet sometimes, the system is not properly aligned to meet the needs of those who require different conditions to live and study. Inclusion is an important concept that provides a proper environment for children and adults to learn in a beneficial and productive atmosphere.

The way people are taught and how the information is presented is one of the key methods in bettering the learning process. Adhering to the needs of individuals is the key to any further success. Not only the teacher has to be adjusting to the students, but also, the students must feel included in the process. Teaching people with special needs is not a simple transference of information; it is an interaction between the student and the teacher, which facilitates better understanding and further involvement in the quest for knowledge.

The technique of inclusion offers a great opportunity to increase the skills needed for people with disabilities. It offers a differential setting and environment with flexible organization and techniques. Aids and special equipment are provided to make the teaching experience as productive as possible. It offers a structure and enables one to focus on the necessary skills of each person, but at the same time, it establishes a flexible and diverse approach that is geared towards the needs of a person. Inclusion provides responsiveness and encouragement of learning and trying new techniques, so the routine of the regular classroom is replaced with organized learning. The innovative technology is used to the advantage of people who need it, combining learning with self-discovery and interest in more knowledge and information. It helps to set the direction of study, as well as a better understanding of the areas that need improvement. The education must be customized, as it enables higher retention and comprehension of the presented material. It must be selected with a unique understanding of the needs of students.

The naturalistic proportions of inclusion are an important benefit of learning in a regular classroom setting. Children are not being segregated but are allowed to take part in social interaction. If some students need to be grouped or someone needs preferential seating, each student’s needs must be addressed. The personal approach through inclusion makes a safe and comfortable environment for learning so that neither teachers nor students feel pressured or forced. A restrictive setting in the education system is now actively changed, which allows for better access to children from all walks of life. The way information is given out, and the setting of a regular classroom provide for the best learning environment. Later, these children will be able to feel included in society. Still, more importantly, they would have received general education, which is much needed in the social professions and everyday life. The goal to help support and reassure students is applied so that everyone feels equal and included in the teaching process. With the help to discover their skills and personal characters, the inclusion concept prepares individuals for an adventure filled with knowledge and a heightened understanding of the material.

In the education system, the needed type of information must be presented, but more importantly, the needs of individuals are met. Everyone must feel and be included, no matter what their physical features are.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 17). Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education. https://studycorgi.com/student-teacher-interaction-in-inclusive-education/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education'. 17 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education." November 17, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/student-teacher-interaction-in-inclusive-education/.


StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education." November 17, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/student-teacher-interaction-in-inclusive-education/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Enhancing Student-Teacher Interactions in Inclusive Education." November 17, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/student-teacher-interaction-in-inclusive-education/.

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