Factors in Addressing Violence and Substance Abuse

Key factors clinicians should consider when addressing violence and substance abuse

They should evaluate the person and know why he or she is reacting in that way. Through this, the clinician will learn that some people are violent because of their upbringing; such people did not have a good foundation. Moreover, for them, violence is a way of life. They should get to know the type of environment the victims live in; this helps when treating such a client, and could be the reason of someone’s addiction. If necessary, one should advise the victim to change the environment.

Provide an overview of the survivor and the batter background

The survivor is a victim who believes he or she can change the way his/her counterparts think. They could be victims of abuse and negligence who want to have a chance to experience the life they have never had; they are patient, and positive that the person will change. The batter can also be a victim of abuse and negligence. He/she is very sensitive and impatient and focuses mainly on violent behaviors. Most such people are hopeless and, their joy is when they inflict pain in others.

What are some of the research findings, evidenced practices, and barriers to the implementation of services?

Stable finance

Each procedural step has a cost attached to it, and this makes it hard to implement services as the costs are needed in terms of training the staff, buying machines, or tools involved in the training. Finance becomes a challenge; this results in services not being implemented.


In terms of leadership and the vision of an institution, leaders should be pacesetters because their incompetence is evident when they fail to implement certain facts, which affect humans. Poor leadership interferes with the implementation of services.

Systemic and organizational

This is the acceptance of change by an institution, the change can be seen in positive and negative ways. Negatively, it affects the implementation of services. It is, therefore, important to note the type of change an institution accepts if certain things like change are to be experienced.

Describe the screening and, referral process of survivors and, batters in the Substance Abuse Programs


In the screening program, if the doctor believes a person is a survivor, certain evaluations like physical injuries are to be checked before screening the person. It is important to let the survivor know what wrong has been done to him/her, and the basis of these actions cannot be justified. Moreover, addiction is not an excuse because the bottom line of this is violence. When counseling these people, one needs to know that apart from the emotional torture they go through, some of them have been through physical abuse, such abuses should be documented (Patterson, 2003). Survivors may be required to sign a restraining document for legal purposes.


A counselor should start by asking direct questions, like ‘Why is this person abusive?’”Why has it been confirmed that a person is abusive?”.The batters should know that the discussion is conducted because of their abusive nature. A counselor should have some knowledge of how the batter is likely to respond, for example, he/she can try to shift the blame. When the treatment is being administered, the well-being of the people surrounding this person should be taken into consideration.

The batters also need to sign a document, which is the “no-violence contract”, which makes the client reform from his abusive ways. The councilors should know when these people become abusive, how much abuse they are, the addictions of the batterers, as well as how the abuser feels after indulging in the addictions. These individuals are only allowed to form a group like “Batters Anonymous (BA)” until it is noted, they have restrained from violence.

Why are linkage agreements, case coordination, and collaboration important for survivors and batters?

Linkages are the support groups that assist both the survivors and batters in living up to the expectations of the people around them, especially in the community. They help in implementing the written or unwritten covenant between the two parties. They are a legal form that the party which does not adhere to the rules is answerable to. They can be systematic reform linkages or community linkages.

In the case of the survivors, they get support by learning to overcome their fears, thus they help one get cover for assault and maintenance. The linkages also act as witnesses in cases of violence, in a case where the person involved is not able or ready to talk about what he/she went through; they cover the person. In cases of batters, such support groups provide treatment for the abusers and make sure this is carried out effectively; they provide information for the abusers and make them know the results of their actions if they are not willing to get help.

Discuss the Illinois State policies and Cook County research on batters’ intervention.

It has helped abusive individuals learn anger management skills. As a result, they can go for therapies and get assistance before they turn to violence. The research helps one understand why the abusers get the urge to inflict pain on others. It explains if these people can change and what can be done to help them improve themselves. The study examines anger management skills, such as therapy, and if it helps in anger management.

Child Neglect, Sexual and Physical Abuse

What are the possible causative roles that family, society, and culture might play in CSA?

CSA, Child Support Agency

When the family fails to take care of a child, and the child has no one to turn to, advocates for children come to their rescue. If society is a letdown to the development of a child, culture comes to help when children are forced to do some things that are heinous and imposed on them against their will. The CSA then works as well making sure that such children are compensated for the damage and trauma they have been made.

What are the key issues to consider in defining child neglect?

One should know who a child is. The child is defined to be a person below 18 years of age (Depalis, 2006). However, one should understand that not providing for a child certain needs cannot be classified as neglect. In some cases, the parent cannot afford the thing the child wants and, if this need is not a necessity like food, shelter, clothing, and protection, this is not negligence.

When a child is neglected, it is easy to tell by his/her health or character because such kids appear to be dull and do not behave like other children who are full of life and energy. However, neglected kids are deprived of childish light-heartedness; they think like grownups and tend to withdraw from the others.

How relevant are cultural issues in defining child neglect?

Practices carried out by a community form its culture; this can also be described as the beliefs of a community. They may result in child negligence because some of these practices negatively affect children emotionally and psychologically. They can be carried out in the form of early marriage or when a child is forced to engage in activities like prostitution, to provide for the family.

Why have experts described psychological maltreatment as the most elusive type of child abuse?

This is because child negligence interferes with the normal process of growth in a child, thus some children take time to develop because of this. While some become socially withdrawn, others tend to be wild because they think anyone can hurt them.

Maltreatment of children can lead to substance abuse, and as a result, such people end up being abusive in relationships; they have self-esteem issues and feel superior when in charge (McGee, & Wolfe, 2008) Such individuals do not get a good foundation when they are growing up; therefore, it is possible they will not provide a proper upbringing for their kids.

Discuss the problems a child faces when cooperating with the criminal justice system during the prosecution of his or her abuser.

The abuser may be related to the child closely. He/she could be a parent, this then makes it difficult for a child to explain the type of abuse they went through because, for them, the law is just a legal procedure in a country, which they do not understand. Children can be easily controlled because they are vulnerable and still naïve, so attackers can bribe kids, and this can change the mind of a child.

Some of the children are threatened, and fear of disclosing information due to the threats that make them not complain about what the law requires them to do; they think their attackers will be hovering around, waiting to get back at them.

Substance Abuse Treatment/ Child Abuse and Neglect Background

Why have substance abuse treatment programs focused on the histories of child abuse and neglect?

Some people who are substance abusers as a result of bad upbringing they had were once neglected, and this led them to find comfort in substances like alcohol and illegal drugs. The victims, at some point in their childhood life, could have been involved in sexual abuse or drug trafficking; they indulge in substance like alcohol and believe this can help them forget their awful past.

When treatment is administered to substance abusers, their doctors need to know their pattern of behavior from the time they were children as well as be aware of the environments they were brought up in. This then makes it easier to treat the person (Howard, 2000).

Why have substance abuse treatment programs focused on the histories of child abuse and neglect?

The histories of child abuse and neglect form the present behavior of a person a define his/her administering treatment needs regarding the fact of whether a person was sexually or emotionally abused (Stirling, 2007). This applies to the abusers; the victims could have been brought up in violent settings, and think they can save someone.

In the case of neglect, it enables the administrators to know why some people tend to be antisocial, while others are always angry. This applies to the abusers; in the case of the victims, they may stick around because they believe they can offer their abusers the love and care they have never had to help them change. Such people could have been abused emotionally, that is why they can empathize with the others.

Have parenting programs been effective in addressing child abuse and neglect?

They have enabled the community to know what to do when they see a child being abused, what agencies to contact, and if the matter needs to be addressed in the court. This has reduced cases of negligence.

In cases of abuse, the perpetrators know that their behavior will not be excused; this has resulted in the reduction of abuses. Parents and children caretakers understand the need to take care of a child as the law protects the rights of the children.

What is the screening and referral process for assessing adults with child abuse and neglect histories?

Let this person know that this is an open forum; get to know when the abuses started and what made the individual feel neglected. Let the abusers and victims explain the sequence of abuse they went through; it is also important to note the kind of abuse they encountered because it helps in evaluating such a person as well as how what they went through has caused their change in behavior.

How does a history of child abuse and neglect impact an individual’s recovery, if the issue has not been addressed?

When this issue is not addressed, it becomes disastrous. Some people end up committing suicide, while others find joy in inflicting pain on others. Such people are not fruitful for society because they do not see the importance of contributing to it. Most of them end up being hopeless as a result of addictions and substance abuse. They believe no one cares about them, so they become self-destructive


Depalis, D. (2006). Child neglect. USA: US department of health and human services, administration for children and families.

Howard, J. (2000). Treatment improvement protocol. USA: US Department of health and human services.

McGee, R. A. & Wolfe, D. A. (2008). Psychological maltreatment: Toward an operational definition. Development and Psychopathology,,3(1), 3-18. Web.

Patterson, L. (2003). Model protocol for working with battered women impacted by substance abuse. Web.

Stirling, J., & the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. (2007) Beyond Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Identification and Treatment of Child Abuse in a Medical Setting. Clinical Reports,,119(5), 1026-1030. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Factors in Addressing Violence and Substance Abuse." September 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/substance-abuse-treatment-and-domestic-violence/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Factors in Addressing Violence and Substance Abuse." September 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/substance-abuse-treatment-and-domestic-violence/.

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