Successful Marriage Components

Divorce is becoming a prominent social concern nowadays, particularly in developed nations. As such, people are looking for the issues that typically lead to the dissolution of the marriage as well as ways to reinforce it. One such consideration is mutual respect, which is missing from many such unions. In a relationship where one party does not respect the other, they will also be less willing to consider their problems and address them. As a result, the marriage would erode and collapse over time, leading to a divorce. As such, respect is critical to the functioning of a marriage, but it is not sufficient on its own.

Honest communication is another essential aspect of problem resolution between couples in a marriage. As Gottman and Silver (2018) note, couples that respect each other can get sidetracked during discussions or disagreements and fail to resolve their issues. Honesty is critical, but couples should also know how to communicate effectively and achieve goals such as the settlement of disagreements. In particular, they have to be able to make compromises, for which purpose they should disclose their needs and listen to those of their partner. With this approach, families should be able to resolve any issues that they become aware of before they damage the marriage.

With that said, there are issues of which the affected partner may be unaware but which can still manifest themselves. Family outings in which the partners spend quality together can help alleviate such problems. They help the family members become closer and reinforce their bonds so that the marriage is harder to damage. Partners also learn more about each other through interactions and may spot hidden issues if they know their significant other well enough. There are other ways of improving relationships, but these three methods should achieve the best results and warrant further discussion.


Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (2018). The seven principles for making marriage work. New York, NY: Hachette.

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