Supervisor Performance Analysis: Marquita White and John Rualto’s Impact on Productivity

Marquita White, third shift floor supervisor

The factors to consider reflecting the supervisor’s character

A close look at Marquita White’s character shows an individual who is capable of good performance but it also shows an individual whose pride in past achievements is the main hindrance to good performance. Consideration of her profile as the first woman to ever work with the company and also her profile as a performer in the company should bring about serious concerns regarding her current failure in achieving the expected performance.

This track record of performance has therefore made her develop some sense of achievement such that she feels that she is always right and that she is bound to achieve whatever targets the company sets since she is good at her work. It is why she is never willing to accept criticism from others, and it also explains why she is always fighting for fairness in the workplace in terms of wages and workload.

A good reason why she has seen commendable success in the past is the fact that she is always attentive to detail. However, the development of this habit could as well lead to over-emphasis on detail. Another probable reason for her past success is her patience which is revealed by the fact that when given a chance, she can oversee a job to its completion.

Why might her employee not be hitting the productivity numbers on her shift?

There are many reasons why Marquitta’s shift is satisfactorily performing during its shift. All the reasons are related to the fact that she has, in the past, set a record of performance. Her pride as the first woman to work for the company may be one of the reasons because she could be underestimating her female juniors by attempting to prove her superiority during work. This will most likely result in a lack of motivation. Another reason is the fact that she considers herself to be always right and the fact that her juniors always do what she says. It is because nobody is always right, and thus it is always good for managers to accept correction. The fact that she always fights for fairness could also be a contributing factor since sometimes jobs are appropriately assigned unfairly depending on the skills of employees.

John Rualto, second shift floor supervisor

The factors to consider reflecting the supervisor’s character

A closer look at John Rualto’s character shows an individual whose group’s performance entirely depends on the commitment of the employees he supervises to the job. He is always joking with them, and thus they are less likely to take him seriously during work. The fact that female workers do not seem amused by his jokes should also raise concerns. The non-performance of his group is related to his joking nature during work.

Why might his employee not be hitting the productivity numbers on his shift?

As stated above, the reason why John’s group is not performing is the fact that he does not take the job seriously. That is, it is difficult for him to maintain professionalism in the workplace. The fact that female workers are not considering his jokes funny could also be indicative of the possibility that he is flirting with them. It is a serious behavior that is bound to affect the productivity of workers, and thus a manager flirting with his female counterparts should be warned seriously.

Another possible reason for their low level of productivity is the possibility that they do not take their manager seriously since he creates a friendly atmosphere such that mistakes can be tolerated. Since he is new to the company, it is highly probable that his jokes will lead to employee laxity since he will be taken as one who is striving to win appreciation and recognition within the organization. It is bound to have detrimental effects on the productivity of his juniors.

Works Cited

Kinicki, Angelo, and Brian Williams. “The Exceptional Manager: What You Do, How You Do It.” Management: A Practical Introduction, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008, pp. 1–1.

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StudyCorgi. "Supervisor Performance Analysis: Marquita White and John Rualto’s Impact on Productivity." February 4, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Supervisor Performance Analysis: Marquita White and John Rualto’s Impact on Productivity." February 4, 2021.

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