Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It


Talent Management is a process that allows determining the number of individuals that the Army will need to fulfill its mission, as well as their qualities and characteristics. Relevant characteristics of Talent Management are the evaluation of the current and future demand for talent and focus on optimizing the performance and engagement of the personnel. Qualities of Talent Management include not only the acquisition of the people, suitable to be in the Army but also their professional development and retention strategies.


Further explained, Talent Management is an approach that differs from the industrial view of people management because it focuses on each individual instead of recruiting and managing large quantities of people. When examining the details of Talent Management, one can note that this approach to recruitment and retention allows creating an environment for future leaders, where each Soldier can leverage their best qualities and help the Army excel. Hence, Talent Management is essential for the Army because it allows leveraging its best asset – the people.

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One example of Talent Management in the Army is the use of electronic resources to plan the demand for human capital and review the existing resources – Assignment Interaction Module 2.0. With this system, Talent Managers can view profiles of all Soldiers, including those who are retired and in the Army Reserve. With this system, the managers can review relevant information about the Soldiers when assigning them for tasks or assess the need for further recruitment and training of new Soldiers. Another example is Human Capital Big Data – the system that allows using large sets of data for statistical policies to improve the performance of its Soldiers. These systems are a part of the Army’s Talent Management process.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 6). Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It. https://studycorgi.com/talent-management-and-how-does-the-army-use-it/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It'. 6 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It." February 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-management-and-how-does-the-army-use-it/.


StudyCorgi. "Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It." February 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-management-and-how-does-the-army-use-it/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Talent Management and How Does the Army Use It." February 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-management-and-how-does-the-army-use-it/.

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