Talent Scouting for Online Streamers


Modern society cannot imagine life without sharing their experiences, ideas, and thoughts, therefore people always create and consume content. Multiple platforms exist to spread the information in different formats, and the most engaging one is, undoubtedly, video. Over one billion people watch YouTube at least one time a day, and Facebook users view more than eight billion videos every day (Endavo, 2020). Broad audiences turned content-creation into a profitable business, and the latest technologies allowed sharing it live by streaming. I see an opportunity to build an income by scouting and recruiting streamers, helping them become famous, and buying into their channel.

What is Online Streaming and How To Monetize It?

In my project, I identified online streaming as the process of sharing content with the audience live via a suitable platform. In 2020, such an engagement strategy became even more popular due to the worldwide lockdowns and the demand for staying connected. Streamers can now find their niche by choosing the subject and platform to work with. Services like Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube include streaming tools and have payout policies that can help the creators earn (Endavo, 2020). These monetization methods can be combined with sponsored advertisements made by a streamer and grow within the range of their audience gained with every new prosperous stream.

What Makes a Streaming Successful?

It is essential to determine what makes a streaming successful in building a profitable business with sponsors, creators, and platforms working together. The live video that wins is the one with an exact subject, engaging, streamed to the right audience via the appropriate media. The streamer is the key person because the way they share the information defines the interest and growth of the audience. Although the stream is live, it has to be well-structured, subject-oriented, and technically prepared. To make any content viral among the audience, its topic has to get attention, and the streamer has to attract the viewers.

Subjects of Online Streaming

A stream can generate a vast number of views if its subject catches an average person’s attention or the audience representative. The contemporary world’s situation made health, personal experience, entertainment, and the latest news the most engaging topics that are continuously discussed on online platforms (Seetharaman, 2020). For example, making the stream of a new popular online game via YouTube can help a streamer gain thousands of views and subscribers shortly, and then get paid for it. However, the appropriate subject is not enough to make a live video viral, the streamer has the key role in the process.

The Streamer

Streamers’ most crucial characteristics are charisma, voice, and speech capabilities. There are many streamers who do not make informative videos, yet the way speaks or present the topic are engaging. Military skills like effective communication and the ability to work under pressure are beneficial in competitive streaming because they can make a person do their best while interacting with the audience even if the unexpected issues or conflicts occur. Talented people are often unable to become successful due to the lack of awareness of platforms or topics to stream about. My idea of scouting is to reach such people and assist them with choosing the direction.

How to Find Streamers to Recruit

Views and engagement statistics of a streamer are available at platforms like YouTube and Facebook or can be personally requested to disclosure. To begin with, I will check the most famous streamers and the most viral streams to define how they look like, what character they have, and what are the subjects of the most-watched videos. Then, I will search for unpopular streamers who match the demands of a particular topic, contact them, and offer my services. I can also research new subjects to create content about and assist streamers in growing their audiences by expanding the range of content.


There are obstacles like the experience gap between the new streamers and their competitors and the financial difficulties at the first stages of my project and streamers’ careers. Proficient streamers with a broad audience and useful tactics of any topic’s live presentation can lose against a new face and fresh ideas of a newcomer. Moreover, I will consider their individual qualities while scouting for a particular subject so that their personalities will be attractive to the assumed audience. Content development funds might sponsor streamers who create platforms with diverse and high-quality video to meet the demands of platforms (Newsfile, 2020). If I connect a person to the appropriate streaming place, they will receive financial assistance to speed up the growth.


Creativity, content creation, and sharing the ideas became the new source of income, and the online world keeps expanding business opportunities. A bank or investor might not have enough faith in a content maker’s success due to the lack of physical approval of financial value and the inability to forecast the growth rate (Faldin, 2020). However, scouting streamers and helping them grow by reaching the right audience in the appropriate platform can become a profitable business. Considering the expanse of people’s online presence worldwide, assisting the content makers has many perspectives and fields for further development.


Endavomedia. (2020). Streaming platforms: A complete guide. Endavomedia. Web.

Faldin, S. (2020). Content creators are businesses. The Startup. Web.

WAFilms launches fund to finance new original content for streaming services. (2020). Newsfile. Web.

Seetharaman, P. (2020). Business models shifts: Impact of Covid-19. International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102173. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Talent Scouting for Online Streamers." February 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-scouting-for-online-streamers/.


StudyCorgi. "Talent Scouting for Online Streamers." February 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-scouting-for-online-streamers/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Talent Scouting for Online Streamers." February 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/talent-scouting-for-online-streamers/.

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