Teaching Influence: Shaping Minds in Science and Culture

Modern science

Modern science has affected the way people live in industrialized nations in several ways. It has led to better and faster means of transport ranging from road transport, through rail and water transport to air transport. The improved transport system eases the movement of people within nationally and internationally. The increase in the number and variety of products developed due to scientific advancements has led to the development of vast markets for the products globally.

The sale returns have increased enhancing people’s lifestyles around the world. People in industrialized nations have had greater access to food products enhancing food security in these nations due to the technological advancements in the agricultural sector such as availability of advanced equipments coupled with better means of storage and processing of harvested products. Scientific advancements in information technology have enabled people to make informed decisions due to ease of flow of information important for decision-making processes. Scientific advancements have enabled people in industrialized nations to access improved sanitation and better ways of treatment reducing the risk of communicable diseases.

Nevertheless, scientific advancements have some negative impacts on the people; for instance, there has been an increase in cases of lifestyle diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Key, Allen, and Spencer argue that, lifestyle diseases account for nearly 60% of the deaths in industrialized/developed nations (2002, p.862). It has also lead to environmental pollution mainly due to the emissions from power plants and automobiles. Immorality has also increased due to the flow of pornographic material in several social sites in the internet.

Active science community

Lack of an active science community has several consequences especially in the developing nations. Most of the people lack access to proper health care as compared to those in the developed/industrialized nations, which increases the rate of deaths especially those caused by communicable diseases. Food insecurity becomes a major problem due to lack of agricultural inputs such as efficient machinery and fertilizer.

Poor development of roads leads to poor and slow means of transportation of both people and products from one place to the other unlike in the industrialized nation where people savour fast and efficient means of transport. Consequently, the economy of the developing nations grows at a very slow rate. Lack of proper sanitation methods in most parts of developing nations affects the health of many people due to waterborne infections, which is not the case in the industrialised nations, which have well developed sanitation systems.

Farhi and Guth (1987) lament that, due to lack of an active science society in developing nations, most people lack means of earning a living (p.150). Consequently, the majority of the people in these nations live below the poverty line; spend less than a dollar daily, a situation that drags economic development of such nations. Therefore, it is important for developing nations to have an active science community to enhance the well-being of their citizens.

Mediating against undue influence

To mediate against stakeholders, public personalities and even the media’s undue influence on scientific research, we should request the government to give full support to this field. The support may include the development of policies regarding scientific and technological research and advancements within a nation. As a result, the media, stakeholders and public personalities will take scientific research with earnestness.

In return, the media will give a clear image of the scientific research and its benefits, which will act as an incentive for funding from all the willing parties including the stakeholders and private personalities. People with scientific ideas that require much research will feel free to approach stakeholders as well as other able and willing personalities of various research centres. It will help in the development of ideas to great innovations in a nation. As a result, there will be a strong relationship between the media, stakeholders, public personalities, and the researchers. Moreover, such move will result to the building of functional active scientific research communities in a country.

Teaching science

To ensure continued scientific research and advancement, our elementary and grade students should know that science applies in almost all the aspects of our lives. In addition, they should know that the scientific advancements they have experienced like internet services are fruits of someone else’s efforts. Therefore, for further scientific advancements their individual efforts and support to scientific research is essential and as Adas posits, they should understand that scientific research is a function of science and mathematics so they should put much effort in these subjects (1989, p.92).

To enhance the success of the students’ efforts, we should put into consideration several aspects. For instance, we should advocate for improvement and development of effective mathematics and science education programs. These programs will enable students to learn and appreciate the relationship between scientific wonders and the natural environment and consequently develop genuine interest in scientific research. We should also provide interactive activities and exhibitions to engage the students in scientific thinking. These activities will inspire the students in pursuing their scientific goals.

To the many students who are unable to fund their education efficiently, we should increase scholarship funds to ensure that we enable such students to attain their full potential as far as scientific research is concerned. All these considerations will help in increasing the number of scientific researchers since it is impossible to attain the touted top level of scientific research and advancement without enough qualified researchers.

Reference List

Adas, M. (1989). Machines as the Measure of Men: Science, Technology and Ideologies of Western Dominance. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Farhi, E., & Guth, A. (1987). An Obstacle to Creating a Universe in the Laboratory. Physics Letters B, 183(2), 149-156.

Key, T. J., Allen, N., & Spencer, E. A. (2002). The effect of Diet on Risk of Cancer. The Lancet, 360(9336), 861-868.

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StudyCorgi. "Teaching Influence: Shaping Minds in Science and Culture." December 29, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-influence-science-and-culture-class/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Teaching Influence: Shaping Minds in Science and Culture." December 29, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-influence-science-and-culture-class/.

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