Team Problems and Tips for Solving Them

Team relationships

The first advice I would offer Sally is to make her expectations known to Tony because Tony does not seem to know fully what Sally expects from him. Doing so would make Tony work towards meeting those expectations. Secondly, Sally should build a relationship with him as one of her subordinates. She seems to lack this trait when she harshly tells him to grow up. Building a relationship with subordinates makes them feel useful in an organization (Dubrin, 2010, p.108). Thirdly, she should identify and inform Tony about the areas she feels that he should improve. Consequently, Tony would emphasize those areas to achieve the desired results. Fourthly, Sally should be empathetic and emotionally supportive of Tony. Her interaction with Tony at the initial stage of their conversation reveals that she lacks empathy. When Tony explains his financial problem to her, she does not put herself in his shoes but simply tells him to grow up. She even adds that Tony knew very well about his salary situation when he took the job implying that he is to blame for his problems. Fifthly, Sally should gently advise Tony. Most of the responses she gives to Tony’s lamentations about salary are harsh. In one instance, she tells him to do something good or be gone. If Sally followed all the above advice, she would achieve a high degree of motivation and qualify as a good coach. This is what the expectancy theory of motivation requires effective leaders.

Active listening

The advice I would offer Tony Costello to get more out of the coaching session is to be an active listener. Being an active listener would not only improve the communication atmosphere between the two parties but also enhance information transfer (Shackleton, 1995, p.39). As a result, he would be able to get what Sally expects from him and work towards meeting those expectations. According to equity theory, this action by Tony would guarantee him of becoming a motivated worker.

Motivation to work

The most positive thing that Sally did as a coach was her acceptance to meet Tony to discuss the problems he faces. Since she was under pressure for the mortgage department to place more mortgages, her acceptance of Tony’s appointment also serves as an opportunity for her to motivate him to work harder and place more mortgages. Her decision to give Tony an audience further shows that she has concerns about his welfare as one of her junior workers. It was a good step towards solving Tony’s problems for the common good of both himself and the bank. This would set a good platform for Sally to analyze Tony’s situation and make him know what she expects from him. According to equity theory, Sally’s move would serve as a source of motivation for Tony.

Salary problems

The most negative thing that Sally did, as a coach was her failure to show empathy and emotional contact with Tony over his salary problems and the negative consequences his problems were causing on his family. Tony booked an appointment with her with the motive of solving his salary-related problems. However, when he first explains the problems to her, she does not feel emphatic; she only tells him to grow up, implying that he is childish. Sally’s statement reveals her character as harsh and lacking empathy. When Tony explains the brutality, he faces when trying to place mortgages and the disappointments from the approval committee, Sally reacts by telling him to wake up, a reaction least expected from her. Sally should have instead been more emphatic and gentle in her reaction to Tony’s problem. Her reaction is not professional and people should discourage this in the job area because it goes against work ethics. Also, it serves to demotivate workers since it contravenes the expectancy theory of motivation.


Dubrin, J. (2010). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, Skills. India: Ceneage Learning India Pvt Ltd.

Shackleton, M. (1995) Business Leadership, USA: Routledge.

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