Telemedicine as a Healthcare Provision Technique

The first step is to conduct a competitive analysis as well as an evaluation of the facility’s capacity for offering service to the public. The second stage is to link the telemedicine program’s aims with the clinic’s objectives. The third step is to plan the adoption of a telehealth system by developing a timetable for major project milestones. Furthermore, the company executives should allow themselves enough time to analyze the project’s demands and purchase and install equipment (Ginter et al., 2018). Additionally, the administration should conduct equipment validation and diagnostics, arrange for employee training, and trial with the collaborating entities, and address any additional concerns during the project implementation.

The fourth phase is selecting on-site leadership and educating employees in preparation for the task ahead. Fifth, the health center should start with simple telehealth services before progressing to more advanced ones such as multi-provider consultations and interventions delivered via technology. Sixth, the hospital should assess telemedicine results over time to discover any shortfalls in treatment and other services to broaden the program. Finally, telemedicine must be integrated with other platforms, such as electronic health records, to guarantee efficiency and a greater understanding of operations.

A strategy should be designed to undertake roles that are necessary to develop and facilitate good communication amongst the concerned parties. To guarantee effective treatment, advancements in operations will require ongoing attention and effort (Johannesen et al., 2018). The facility needs to enhance performance and effectiveness by addressing resource management problems while incorporating informatics applications to boost efficiencies in different operating areas in the facility. Healthcare recommendations should be used to address factors influencing the value of conducting an evaluation process regarding overall benefits.

The tactics outlined above should be utilized to acquire an overview of current policy issues, such as how thorough the procedure should be. Another concern is to identify the party to be held accountable in case of any arising issues. Next is to consider how optimum design modifications should be implemented while consenting to demands, price bargains, resubmissions, and re-evaluations (Johannesen et al., 2018). As the facility’s operations progress, each employee will be expected to play a larger role in their area of expertise. Customers view healthcare solutions in terms of overall well-being, patient satisfaction, and results as a sign that client-centric solutions have become the standard for that particular institution.


Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations (8th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Johannesen, K. M., Claxton, K., Sculpher, M. J., & Wailoo, A. J. (2018). How to design the cost-effectiveness appraisal process of new healthcare technologies to maximize population health: A conceptual framework. Health Economics, 27(2), e41–e54.

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