Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke

Terrence Washington’s interview with Kelly Coke can enlighten students about the importance of serving the community. Often people neglect community service because of a lack of time. However, Washington shows that with proper time management and prioritizing, it is possible to find time for commitment to the community. I learned that it is critical to “give back” to the people and place you live (Reflection Video 4 Transcript). In addition, I acquired a method that can help to balance social service and personal matters.

The most impressive part of the interview was that losing elections did not discourage Terrence Washington but rather increased the number of his responsibilities. Failure is conventionally perceived as a discouraging factor in any job or activity. Nonetheless, Washington presents himself as a leader who looks at failure from a new perspective. On Coke’s question, “Does that [losing the election] make you want to quit?” Washington answered “No” and illustrated his strong character (Reflection Video 4 Transcript). I found those words the most inspiring in the interview.

The interview might have aimed to convey that becoming a great leader requires serving the community. This message can be found in Kelly Coke’s statements regarding Washington’s job, such as “So you wear many hats. And you still take time to serve.” (Reflection Video 4 Transcript). The interviewer might have wanted to emphasize that it is possible to volunteer without mistreating personal life. The interviewee also justified the message by mentioning that supporting the community is one of the most gratifying activities.

The most significant profit that can be gained from any person is knowledge. It has become common in today’s society that knowing different people with different backgrounds enables you to hear alternative opinions regarding any issue. In my opinion, the most significant benefit I can have from Terrence Washington is learning his advice and recommendations that can help me advance in my career. Besides, it inspires me to watch BAAS graduates succeed because it motivates current students like myself.


Reflection Video 4 Transcript [TXT document]. (n.d.)

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 5). Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke. https://studycorgi.com/terrence-washingtons-interview-with-kelly-coke/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke'. 5 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/terrence-washingtons-interview-with-kelly-coke/.


StudyCorgi. "Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/terrence-washingtons-interview-with-kelly-coke/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/terrence-washingtons-interview-with-kelly-coke/.

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