The American Civil War: Effects and Consequences


Occurrences of wars within or between countries always leave behind devastating consequences. Civil wars, that is, wars within a country are as a result of minor disagreements or misunderstandings among individuals who occupy higher power in governments. These disagreements filter within the community hence affecting the individual person in the end.


The American Civil War took place between the years 1861 and 1865 and happened between two disagreeing parties. The parties involved were the Confederate States of America on the southern side and the United States of America, on the northern side. The civil war was as a result of the Confederate States of America’s declaration of secession from the Union which was another name given for the United States of America. The war had approximately 1 million casualties and over 600,000 civilian deaths.

The underlying causes of the American Civil War have been debated upon for over 130 years since it took place and the people of America are still not sure as to the real cause of the civil war. The most dominant underlying cause, though, was that of different lifestyles between the southern side and the northern side. The South’s economy was generally based on slavery and agriculture while that of the north was mostly based on trade as well as production.

In addition, the kinds of labour implemented on both sides were also another underlying cause of the civil war. While the southern side preferred use of slaves for their labour, the northern side employed free labour which meant that workers were not owned and were not supposed to be owned by anyone. Thus, they were their own bosses. Conflicts arose when the north opposed slavery claiming that it was the cruelest thing to do in the name of labour.

There was also the issue of the differences in places where people resided. Those from the north lived in large cities while the people of the south lived mostly in rural areas. Since each side would favour that government which would prove beneficial for their respective lifestyles, disagreements cropped up. The differences in places of residence also brought with it political differences. While those people living in the south believed that each individual state should be responsible for internal improvements since they lived in rural areas, the northerners wanted the federal government to pay for internal improvements since they lived in the big cities. This resulted in an argument as to who ought to have control over internal improvements, whether it is the states or the federal government.

It is said that the American Civil War was unavoidable as well as unstoppable due to the strong reactions as well as the emotions involved in the causes. Political leaders were afraid of losing votes on the side that would not be favoured in case a decision was made on the issues affecting both sides, and voted for one side while against the other. But on the other hand, if both the north and the south wanted to avoid the war, all they had to do is to advocate for popular self-government as well as more compromise.

Because of the American Civil War, there are permanent changes which have been affected. The attitudes of both individual people and the churches on the northern and the southern sides were greatly affected. Churches separated due to different views held concerning slavery.

The churches on the northern side believed that no man should be a slave of another and that all men were equal. The southern side on the other hand, believed that treating the black individuals as being of a lower level than themselves and slavery was in accordance with the Bible. After the civil war, those in the south lost most of their land since they had put all they had in the war. This made them become bitter and hateful towards the northerners as well as those black minorities who lived amongst them and this can still be seen up to the present day.

If the Confederate States of America had succeeded in their secession, there would have been consequences for the United States. For instance, slavery would still be practiced in the present day had they succeeded. Also, there would be the presence of individual states responsible for internal improvements. The southerners would in addition appoint that government which would emphasise and implement policies which would in the end prove beneficial for their lifestyles.


The American Civil War resulted in consequences as well as effects which are experienced by the American citizens presently. Despite the differences existing, the citizens have gradually learnt to live in harmony and bury their hateful feelings brought about by the civil war.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 28). The American Civil War: Effects and Consequences.

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