The Antelope Valley Medical Center Marketing Initiative


Antelope Valley Medical Center (AVMC) is a community healthcare organization focusing on making high-quality medical care accessible to all community members without compromising on compassion or cost. The company’s mission is to improve the quality of life of our community by becoming the healthcare provider of choice (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). Their vision is to provide quality Services for a positive outcome, maintain a holistic approach to medical care, and support ethical practices. The hospital’s values are respect, honesty, stewardship, collaboration, and innovation. Through such objectives, the company maintains a pleasant environment for recovery.

The organization’s service area is the entire Antelope Valley and its suburbs, offering services not limited to oncology, bariatric, cardiology services, rehabilitation, women’s health care, and home health care. However, the company is renewed for top-notch services in cardiovascular diseases, making it one of the sought-after in coronary care (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). The organization also hosts various health-related activities, seminars, and screenings to promote awareness about the best lifestyles to avoid diseases.

Marketing Initiatives

Every business organization must tactfully strategize its efforts to maintain a competitive advantage. The current issues at AVMC include growing competition from other organized healthcare groups offering the same services and poor client engagement. This competition requires the organization to keep restructuring its efforts to stay competitive. Their marketing strategy has focused on excellent service provisions, enabling the company to gain referrals and maintain its clientele (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). However, stiff competition requires the company to strategize its efforts. Another challenge is poor patient engagement, affecting customer satisfaction and organizational progress.

A comprehensive marketing initiative should be implemented highlighting the services offered by Antelope Valley Medical Center. The strategy should incorporate traditional and digital marketing systems, such as television marketing, radio advertisements, direct mail campaigns, print advertisements, and social media promotion (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). This initiative is needed considering that it will help increase patient engagement and online presence, which helps attract new markets. Therefore, the company can achieve an operational balance by utilizing patient education materials, engaging patients in surveys and focus groups, and providing opportunities for patients to provide feedback.

Customer Needs

Understanding customer needs is vital for enhancing quality healthcare and a competitive edge. This information can be used to understand the community’s needs better, identify service gaps, and create plans to address them. Being aware of the customer’s needs allows the medical center to tailor services and amenities to meet the unique needs of each individual. It also helps the medical center create a customized experience, which can lead to greater patient satisfaction (Gonzalez,2019). Knowing customer needs can also help the medical center understand the types of treatments and services that are most likely to be successful. Through digital marketing, the knowledge can help the medical center focus resources, reduce costs, and optimize the use of resources to serve the community.

The primary customers at Antelope Valley Medical Center are patients and their families, physicians, and other healthcare providers such as nurses, therapists, and pharmacists. The patients need quality medical care in a safe and compassionate environment (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). They want a medical center that is convenient and accessible, with a variety of services and a knowledgeable staff. They also prefer healthcare services that are affordable and that take into consideration their individual needs and preferences.

The secondary customers at Antelope Valley Medical Center are members of the local community who rely on the medical center for preventative care and other health services and vendors who provide products and services to the center. The needs of these customers are to have access to quality medical care and services that meet their needs and preferences (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). They also want a medical center that can provide a wide range of reasonably priced and conveniently located services. These customers also prefer a medical center that is operated efficiently and that can respond quickly to their needs.

The 4Ps of Marketing

The 4Ps of marketing include Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, which are essential for any business, including Antelope Valley Medical Center. The Product is coronary care services, and their Pricing should be competitive and attractive to potential customers. Place refers to where the services are available, and the center should ensure that it is conveniently located and accessible to those in need of care (Gabelaia & Tchelidze, 2022). Promotion includes the advertising of the services, so the center should strive to make its services widely known through digital marketing strategies. The 4 Ps of marketing help ensure that coronary care services are accessible, attractive, and marketed effectively.

Drivers of Demands

The drivers for demand for services in healthcare rely on the efficiency, technological advancement, and healthcare policies that affect the affordability of services. With the growing demand for health services, an efficient healthcare organization will increase its market due to positive patient outcomes and satisfaction (Purcarea, 2019). Technological advances help drive demand for healthcare services, as new technologies often allow for more effective treatments and improved patient outcomes. Additionally, healthcare policy significantly impacts the market for healthcare services (Purcarea, 2019). Government policies, such as reimbursement rates for specific services and regulations governing the delivery of healthcare services, can influence demand for healthcare services.


Antelope Valley Medical Center. (2023). About Antelope Valley Medical Center. Web.

Gabelaia, I., & Tchelidze, L. (2022). The Significance of Digital Marketing Strategies for Continuity of SMEs. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 11. Web.

Gonzalez, M. E. (2019). Improving customer satisfaction of a healthcare facility: reading the customers’ needs. Benchmarking: An International Journal.26 (3), Web.

Purcarea, E. V. L. (2019). The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. Journal of medicine and life, 12(2), 93. Web.

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