The Aspects of the Reign of God


Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly.


One passage from the Gospel of Luke that illustrates the foundational values of the reign of God as Jesus understood it is found in the Sermon on the Mount (Luke 6:17-49). In this passage, Jesus teaches his followers the importance of humility, compassion, and nonviolence. First, Jesus emphasizes the value of unpretentiousness, stating that those who are poor in spirit or meek will be blessed and inherit the kingdom of God (Luke 6:20). This suggests that the reign of God values modesty over pride or ego. Second, Jesus emphasizes the value of compassion, stating that his followers should love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them (Luke 6:27-28). He teaches Christians to do good to those who hate them and give freely to those who require assistance (Luke 6:27-30). This suggests that the reign of God values compassion and kindness towards others, even those who may be considered enemies.

Finally, the reign of God values non-belligerence and forgiveness over revenge or violence. This is depicted when Jesus emphasizes to his followers that they should not resist an evil person, but rather turn the other cheek when they are struck (Luke 6:29). He also teaches that they should not take revenge, but rather love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them (Luke 6:27-28).


The values of humility, compassion, and nonviolence are central to understanding God’s reign as taught by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. These values represent a life characterized by selflessness, love for others, and a rejection of violence and revenge. By embodying these values, Jesus’ followers can participate in the coming of the reign of God and bring about a world of righteousness, peace, and justice.


USCCB. Luke 6: 17-49. USCCB. Web.

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