“The Break Up” Movie: Family Conflict Theme

Lemons and Pool Tables

The movie The Break Up introduces the viewers to the couple Gary and Brooke and their ugly break up, hence making the audience comprehend how they can come to good terms with their partners after disagreements. The argument concerning lemons and pool tables is an illusion of what is taking place in the couple’s house (The Break Up). The lemon and the pool tables’ discussion serve as an opener to Gary and Brooke’s argument and conflict. According to Gary’s perception, if they move the dining table, they will create space for a pool table. Reasonably, Gary presents a view that for couples to live happily, understanding one another is crucial, hence pointing out that Gary does not listen to Brooke, not appreciate the work she does in the house.

The conflict starts as Brooke feels like Gary does not appreciate her in everything that she does. Brooke decides to make Gary jealous to like her by getting handsome studs to escort her from home. However, this does not work as Gary, too, chooses to make Brooke jealous by getting hookers to join his friends in a strip-poker game (The Break Up). The couple has different relationship goals, which makes it difficult for them to be well suited. Gary has a unique personality, which makes him incompatible with Brooke even though he started listening to Brooke and thanking her (The Break Up). Gary, being obsessed with video games and Chicago Cubs, thinks that they should create room for a pool table in the living room. On the other side, Brooke wants Gary to listen to her and appreciate the work that she has done around the house. She wants Gary to enjoy her cooking and be a person who can pick up his laundry.

Brooke and Gary use different approaches to formulate resolutions and subsequently come into a consensus when everything has escalated. However, their conflict resolution methods do not work as they end up hurting each other more (The Break Up). Gary and Brooke obtain spectacularly wrong advice from friends as they try to involve them in conflict solutions, but this does not enable them to solve their conflict.

Julia Wood and Relational Conflict

Early Relation Conflict Stage

In this stage, Julia notes that conflict is created as a form of communication that does not concern others. The set is characterized by several factors, including poor listening and cross-signing, which is met by a counter-complaint. The individuals here use the ‘you’ language to shirk responsibility, resulting in an unfavorable climate as both of them are persistently involved in mind reading. Therefore, Julia suggests that the resolution to this form of conflict is to use confirmation language such as ‘I’ or ‘We’.

The Middle Stage of Relational Conflict

The middle stage of relational conflict develops from the first stage once the hostile climate has been set. In this stage, there are continuous interruptions, as not all topics can be thoroughly discussed. Julia compares this stage to kitchen sinking as everything is thrown into the argument, especially those repressed in the past. According to Julia, the best conflict resolution strategy for this period is for the individual to use the bracketing technique for discussions to focus on the conflict’s main argument.

Later Stages of Relational Conflict

In this conflict resolution stage, every episode primarily ends as there is not enough time and energy for solving. There is the persistence of self-preoccupation, as proposals suggested by one individual are met with counter-proposals from the other. Besides, Julia notes that there can be excessive meta-communication among individuals. Therefore, as indicated by Julia, the best resolution strategy is to accept the solution parts by contract and revisit the agreement to make appropriate changes. Arguably, I feel that Julia’s suggestions are achievable since making critical resolutions is the true channel through which partners cease regular conflicts.

The best indicator of conflict resolution can be attained through integrative agreements. In interactive agreement, both parties can preserve or achieve their goals by establishing a creative solution to the problem. Moreover, in integrative empathy, both parties benefit from the conflict outcome as creating a win-win solution. Therefore, a relationship can be terminated when there are many conflicts among individuals that do not seem to be solved.

Work Cited

The Break Up. Directed by Peyton Reed, produced by Vince Vaughn, Scott Stuber, Peter Billingsley. Starring Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Aniston, Joey Lauren Adams, Ann-Margret, and Judy Davis, 2006.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "“The Break Up” Movie: Family Conflict Theme." February 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-break-up-movie-family-conflict-theme/.

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