The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

A club’s balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local community’s support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits are received not only by local residents, but also by athletes and the organization itself.

The most frequent examples of clubs’ corporate social responsibility are visits to orphanages and hospitals and organization of children’s tournaments. A competent approach that meets two goals at once, “a noble concern for others and improving the organization’s image”, implies constant work in this direction (Lee, Bang, and Shonk, 2021, p. 9). The role of corporate social responsibility becomes particularly prominent when financial difficulties arise or when attracting the attention of decision-makers helps the league stay afloat. A club actively participates in the local community’s life, strengthening ties between athletes within the league.

An important reason for the activation of the sports league’s social functions is the desire to become an equal partner of social development and thereby increase competitiveness and productivity. Simultaneously, as Lee et al. (2021) note, if the organization does not take on the responsibility for solving the growing problems in the social sphere, it will become the first victim of them. Thus, on the one hand, the organization manages to popularize its activities; on the other, it develops the volunteer movement.

Corporate social responsibility places an obligation on sports organizations to significantly contribute to improving the quality of life. When engaging in social activities, companies pursue different goals. Some people care about improving their image, others are concerned about increasing the level of social trust in the league. In any case, it is difficult to underestimate the positive impact of participating in charitable activities.


Lee, C., Bang, H., & Shonk, D. Professional team sports organizations’ corporate social responsibility activities: Corporate image and chosen communication outlets’ influence on consumers’ reactions. International Journal of Sport Communication, 14(1), 1–18.

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