The EdSmart Services Strategy Analysis

Position Strategy

The online learning and education market is evolving positively and providing many clients with needed services, but it is also prone to technology or management-based issues. As such, EdSmart can present a competitive advantage by maintaining a number of core competencies within the online education industry. The models for learning provided by EdSmart allow for mobile learning on a variety of devices with equal quality. Similarly, the tools allow for adequate and effective observation of a student’s education for educators. EdSmart is also integrating interactive and immersive technology, such as AR and VR, at a reasonable pace (EdSmart, 2022). Data management within the EdSmart process is guided by sophisticated processes or artificial intelligence, allowing for more meaningful data interpretation for educators and students. Overall, EdSmart’s learning services core competencies effectively integrate existing and upcoming technology to its full potential and address the needs of the clients.

While online learning products are high in quantity, it is essential to recognize that quality in terms of learning materials, management, and user accessibility is integral to allowing a firm to gain a competitive edge. EdSmart is able to provide these advantages by promoting a variety of in-depth courses and related materials, mobile learning, an accessible interface, and unique and effective data management. Similarly, integrating various technologies such as VR, AR, and interactive videos in a useful way is unique to EdSmart. As such, the positioning statement of EdSmart would reflect the abilities of the services to provide mobile learning, the ability to utilize diverse technology and to analyze their learning outcomes with provided data. EdSmart products excel in quality and ability to meet the unique needs of clients by providing accessibility-driven user interfaces, the ability to switch devices, and the formation of learning courses.

The target market of EdSmart includes educators, educational establishments, and students. Due to the variety of courses and related utilities for learning, EdSmart addresses the needs of each section of its market population. Technology integration, accessibility, and mobility allow diverse groups of students to utilize EdSmart for their studies. The software is especially prevalent for students that are unable or do not attend schools physically and rely solely on online learning. Educators are provided with structured courses, materials, and insight into data that outlines the learning progress of students. Schools and other education-focused enterprises use the services offered by EdSmart for management, scheduling, and the ability to observe the welfare of students in regard to their studies.

Product Mix

The products and services offered by EdSmart are all characterized by being accessible online. As mentioned prior, the firm provides a wide variety of products that can be categorized into five distinct areas, which are notification, billing, documentation, data analytics, and management services. Many of the offered services provide procedures that are relevant throughout multiple areas, such as the staff mobile app, which provides communication, activity management, and a notification system (EdSmart, n.d.).

Notification Services The notification services are made up of absentee, parent slips, student slips, broadcasts, and the staff mobile app. Parent and student slips are defined by two-way messaging for digital forms and automated reminders. Similarly, the absentees’ service is integrated with information within the school system and is able to notify parents in the case of absences. Broadcasts can be seen as the general management tool for notifications as it includes message scheduling, personalization, tracking, and the ability to be notified through different methods, such as email or SMS.
Billing Services Billing may also be handled through EdSmart through the payments system, which is integrated with the School EasyPay process.
Documentation Services Documentation services are also widely available and include covid-19 certification and workflows. Medical and health records are maintained within the system, with covid-19 certification being easily accessible to the appropriate parties to upload and view. Workflows utilize the ability to access forms and information from multiple touchpoints, which provide users with easy documentation and the option to reach any necessary documents in an effective way.
Data Analytics Data assessment can be accessed through analytics and reporting, which constructs unique and personalized reports regarding the community of the school.
Management Services The activity management feature can be seen in EdSmart services such as in the activity care, staff mobile app, excursion risk management, processes, and workflow options. The activity care service primarily handles medical and health records for students but is also integral to activity planning. The staff mobile app has multiple general uses but is crucial during excursions. The mobility of the app allows for effective organization without requiring much hardware. The excursion risk management tool works with SafeTripBuilder and provides risk assessments prior to an excursion based on the teacher’s selection of activities. Processes provide overall management for all proceedings within the EdSmart services. It informs and guides educators or students in submission and other procedures. Workflows serve a similar purpose by allowing access to a single form for many individuals, which eases cohesion and information exchange among users of the services.

Service Strategy

The proposed service strategy for EdSmart would focus on the needs of the customers within the current landscape of education. While online learning remains a smaller portion of overall education, it still depicts a large market (Josep, 2022). Due to numerous factors, many students are unable to learn within a school environment and rely on online learning. Even students that do attend school may benefit from supplementary education that can only be accessed through online learning. Similarly, educators greatly benefit from integrated technology that allows for time and cost-saving techniques. As such, the target demographic of EdSmart can be identified through a number of primary needs, which include accessibility, mobility, simplified management, effective analytics, and integration with technology. While students and educators may have certain differences in their needs, they influence each other and are mutually beneficial when addressed.

In regard to service strategy, EdSmart holds a competitive edge due to how cohesive, personalized, and in-depth services are. As such, further strategies must continue to allow clients to modify software options to meet their exact needs. This will require improved communication between the firm and customers to inform them of potential services they may benefit from (Lee & Lee, 2020). Similarly, the integration and cohesion with various devices must be maintained as it allows students greater mobility and easier experiences with learning. The ability to use EdSmart on non-specialized devices is also cost-saving for clients. Currently, accessibility in regard to price may be an issue for certain schools or clients. As such, future service strategies for EdSmart should consider revising options that are lower in costs for certain clients. Overall, the core of the proposed service strategy would be to increase communication and informing processes between the clients and the firm.


EdSmart. (n.d.). EdSmart connections. EdSmart. Web.

EdSmart. (2022). The future of distance learning. EdSmart.

Josep, G. (2022). 5 reasons why online learning is the future of education in 2022. Educations.

Lee, S. M., & Lee, D. (2020). “Untact”: a new customer service strategy in the digital age. Service Business, 14(1), 1-22.

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