The Effects of PR and Advertising


It has long been difficult to determine how to measure the effects of PR. The main problem is that advertising and the fact that sales are increasing or decreasing are not always related. Advertising campaigns themselves almost always have a specific purpose, which is the essence of the activities made. They also involve the use of key marketing analytics, which allows PR specialists to know how great the campaign’s success is. However, it is also clear that not all communication and marketing tactics, including PR, have built-in software.


The purpose of PR is to create a brand image and then protect it. In addition, it is important to build a relationship between the brand and the public. Besides, it is necessary to establish communication with the public, which will help to get feedback on time. It should be noted that such giants as Facebook build their advertising campaigns differently than most companies – they have clear parameters for evaluating success and a managed period.

It cannot be said in this way that it is impossible to estimate the effect of advertising, despite the complexity of evaluation. To make evaluation easier, it is important to set clear goals and keep track of them. This approach will maximize the impact of the firm’s campaigns.


Setting the right goals will make it easier for the PR specialist to determine which strategies are effective and which should be abandoned. The method according to which the advertising campaign’s objectives are determined initially will allow examining the value of the old approaches. In some cases, changing the strategy to a new one improves the dynamics of sales.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 10). The Effects of PR and Advertising.

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StudyCorgi. "The Effects of PR and Advertising." August 10, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "The Effects of PR and Advertising." August 10, 2023.

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