Challenges and Opportunities for the Meat Industry

People continue developing various opinions about the future of the meat industry. The controversies are based on personal attitudes towards the topic and business knowledge. Despite the possibility to provide people with enough working placing, feeding opportunities, and economic stability, such concerns as animal rights, pollution issues, and alternative methods cannot be ignored. As a result, new alternatives emerge, proving the promotion of the plant-based food market that could reach about $74.2 billion by 2027, questioning the progress of the meat industry in the United States (Strickler, 2021). However, the global demand for meat is growing because people cannot stop eating meat products. Regarding recent technological advancement and research, the debates about the use of beef are critical, with many for and against positions. Today, the meat industry’s future is challenged by environmental damage, plant-based alternatives, and unstable price policing, but its nutritional worth attracts people and supports its expansion.


FutureLearn. (2021). Is eating meat bad for the environment? Future Learn. Web.

Strickler, J. (2021). Alternative meats bringing uncertain future for cattle farmers. Forbes. Web.

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