The Future of the Space Missions

The current obsession with space discoveries leaves enough room for innovative developments in the area that are expected to take humanity closer to interplanetary missions. According to Thisdell, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) represents one of the most vigilant countries when it comes to space missions. With the aid of the space mission called Hope, the UAE is expected to be the fifth actor reaching Mars, after the Soviet Union, the United States of America, Europe, and India. The program is going to focus on the Martian climate and colonization opportunities.

A strong partnership with the USA is required in order for Hope to reach Mars. The launch of the National Observatory at Mushrif National Park and multiple satellites across the globe prove that the UAE has strengthened its position in the field of space exploration. Another organization that intends to support the Hope mission is Virgin Atlantic, led by Richard Branson. The future of Emirati space missions looks bright since they receive enough praise and sustenance from international partners.

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