The Gender Concept and Its Impact on Health and Wellness

The concepts of gender and sexuality are critical phenomena, the dissemination of awareness about which is necessary for society. Understanding the differences between gender and gender is especially critical. Hence, gender is the biological characteristic of the men and women they are born with. Gender, in turn, is a psychosocial phenomenon that consists of a person’s awareness of their gender identity. Thus, I think it is a mistake to believe that sexuality has a direct connection with a person’s gender. This is due to the fact that this phenomenon is reflected in the thoughts, behavior, and sexual preferences of an individual in relation to other people.

Awareness of the concept of gender has made a significant contribution to my health and wellness. Therefore, I lost the feeling of social anxiety about the emergence of certain feelings. Moreover, the recognition of my own gender identity allowed me to accept not only myself but also other people. It also reduced the level of anxiety and stressful situations that could arise due to misunderstandings. Gaining knowledge about gender and gender differences and how they are related to sexuality allowed me to look at the world more openly and consciously, which significantly positively affected my condition.

Special attention when considering the issue of gender and sexuality should be paid to positive and negative ways that masculinity can impact health and wellness. Hence, in the absence of an understanding of the concepts of gender and sexuality, an individual may have a high level of stress and anxiety, which affects the psychological state. Research states that “masculine norm conformity and gender role conflict were predictive of increased and decreased well-being among young adult men” (Kaya et al., 2019, p. 1). Moreover, the well-being of people can be positively influenced by the realization that masculinity is not placed within the framework of traditional stereotypes that are formed by society.


Kaya, A., Iwamoto, D. K., Brady, J., Clinton, L., & Grivel, M. (2019). The role of masculine norms and gender role conflict on prospective well-being among men. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(1). Web.

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