Human Responsibility: Social and Personal

Human responsibility is a subject of analysis in many fields, from the legal to the social. This concept can have entirely different meanings and scope of influence depending on the context. From my perspective, however, one of the most important variations of this term is personal responsibility, which I have chosen as the topic of my paper. I believe this kind of responsibility is key to understanding many social processes, so I want to study it first. Reviewing it in detail will make it possible not only to understand better the principles according to which human beings carry out their activities but also to examine other types of responsibility, including social responsibility. These two concepts are closely related because any human action must be seen in the context of interactions and relationships with others (Rauter, 2020). This is why, from my perspective, the topic of personal responsibility is vital to research. In addition, it is a matter reflected in many processes, making its study even more fascinating. Such diversity allows using various sources that reveal the impact of personal responsibility on multiple activities and social phenomena.

Therefore, I plan to use various studies on the interaction of personal responsibility with aspects of their lives and the lives of the individuals around them as sources. For example, Chan’s (2019) study demonstrates the relationship between individual responsibility and health in the context of political attitudes. Beraldo et al. (2022) examine this topic from an economic perspective, analyzing its impact on investment. Finally, Rauter (2020) explores the relationship between personal and social responsibility in different ways. I chose these sources because they demonstrate the connection between the individual’s personal characteristics and the world around them. Such a connection indicates and reinforces the thesis that social and personal responsibility are closely linked, and the latter is absolutely necessary for understanding more extensive processes. Moreover, an additional reason for choosing these particular sources was their academic nature and their affiliation with various peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Their publication in reputable sources demonstrates their high quality, allowing them to be considered good sources, suitable for use as persuasive arguments.


Beraldo, S., Piacenza, M., & Turati, G. (2022). The importance of the future when deciding levels of personal responsibility and demand for redistribution. Economic Modelling, 116, 105982.

Chan, E. Y. (2019). Political orientation and physical health: The role of personal responsibility. Personality and Individual Differences, 141, 117-122.

Rauter, M. (2020). Social responsibility begins with personal responsibility. Social Responsibility and Current Challenges. Web.

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